_Gentleman of_the Snow_
Prog' Drummer
Wow, with that last post in particular, you've proven that you know absolutely jack shit. I can understand the song not being your thing, I accept that. I don't really care either because music is a personal thing, but everything you said re: moonsorrow is flat out ignorant and wrong. I have no time to argue that.
Also, I have to admit that I do think you're at least stricken with a smidgen of downs syndrome for coming on a metal forum and being like "LOL FAG U LIEK PRIEST AND MAIDEN". No shit... you still didn't mention what that has to do with me not liking Circus Maximus... but it doesn't matter because you're a joke. Plain and simple.
I figured you were smart enough to realize that I was insulting Maiden and Priest by stating that because you like them, your opinion about CM was no longer valid. Since you couldn't figure it out, there you go.
It was obviously not a serious thing for me to say because everybody has their own opinion, and that's cool, I was just creating an offense. I also thought I'd try sticking my opinions where they aren't requested like you so often do. Perfect example of this was when you said CM was not great in the first place. Nobody asked... the person you quoted was speaking to myself.
Now, why don't you enlighten me as to why you don't like CM so I can tell you that you know nothing about CM and that you are completely wrong?