Your last purchase??

I have two Edenbridge albums and they are pretty crap....generic.

last purchase was

Beautiful Sin-The Unexpected....2 parts Masterplan/2 parts Pagan's Mind and 1 part ballsy chick singer....not bad...not great. JVL is an awesome guitar player though.
Edenbridge is just another Nightwish (yawn)..BUT there guitar players play Jems and PJM's so thats a plus..its not bad, but it could be better...

I just picked up these CD's of a guy on Jemsite who's selling his shred collection,A couple of them are replacements (vai) and some to finnish off collections (Yngwie) should be here in a few days, $55 for all of em:

Yngwie-Magnum Opus (Signed W00T!!) and Facing the Animal
Vai- Ultra Zone
Vai- Flexable
Dream Theater-Falling Into Infinity
Racer X -Street Leagal and Second Heat
Ptah Khnemu said:
Stephen Hawking - A Brief History of Time
Dante - The Inferno

I was looking for Faust by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, but they didnt have any copies in stock. :cry:
A Brief History of Time is cool, but Brian Greene's "The Elegant Universe" and "Fabric of the Cosmos" are better. Dante's Inferno is sweet, I read it like 4 times in high school (but the rest of The Divine Comedy is surprisingly boring). And Faust is probably the next thing I'm reading. You have good taste! :headbang:
Thank you. I actually bought A Brief History of Time for my school summer reading project. It was the most interesting book on the list, so I said, "Why the hell not?"
Pharoah said:
I just put an order in for a couple of imports - a band called EDENBRIDGE.
Anyone familiar with this band? Short sound clips sound promising to me.

Edenbridge is great stuff. Not sure what album you purchased but I've got them all and they all are very good. Of course you will get the predictable comparisons to Nightwish which, if you actually listen more than once, will probably quickly dismiss. Great purchase.
War_Blade said:
it is totally crap. In fact MTV did a special on them last night.

Well that tells you right there what there all about. I went to there website, and listened to about 3 seconds of there music. :puke:

More no talent MTV pop junk...
So I guess it cool now to copy bands from the 70's, or at least from before the MTV audience was born. A few more years and we just might get some Hairband Metal back... :lol:
then my life will be complete!!!!

i can start a hairmetal band and tease my hair (well i do that anyways) but i can do it more often!!! Then they might start selling leopard skin spandex again!!! (im getting exicted for no reason, i know) WWWOOOOOTTTT!!!!
yea, but i will be 80s hairmetal before the trend even starts, so my music will pwn.

trust me, i painted a whole wall in my room red black and white eddie van halen stripes with a big gold vh in the middle! With all of the metal around me, there is no way my music can suck.