Your last purchase??

So I've watched it now (twice) and I must say...10/10. At LEAST in my top 5 music dvd's of all time. I can't reccomend this enough.

Cool....I've always liked Beck, but never been a raging fanboi.
Has he got that Australian youngun' playing bass? WTF was her name, Tal Wilkenfeld, or something like that.....
So I bought my first firearm this weekend...decided I wanted a home-defense shotgun.


Remington 870 Express, 12 gauge, 18" barrel (shortest legal barrel available, ideal for maneuvering indoors), 7 shot (6 in magazine + 1 in chamber). I don't have the muzzle break pictured above, but everything else is identical. Also looking to get a little flashlight to mount below the magazine tube, so if I have to use it in a darkened defense sitution, I can see the zombie I'm shooting at ;) Now I need to get this out to the range :)
Cool....I've always liked Beck, but never been a raging fanboi.
Has he got that Australian youngun' playing bass? WTF was her name, Tal Wilkenfeld, or something like that.....

Same boat here....I've always liked him but never really went nuts over the guy or anything. Blow by Blow and Wired are the only two albums that I really like all the way through. This dvd really is amazing though. And yes, Tal is her name. She's 22, which is older than she looks but still really young...especially when you consider that she's playing and holding her own with Jeff Beck and Vinnie Colaiuta. Her solo on "'cause we've ended as lovers" is absolutely incredible.
So I bought my first firearm this weekend...decided I wanted a home-defense shotgun.

Remington 870 Express, 12 gauge, 18" barrel (shortest legal barrel available, ideal for maneuvering indoors), 7 shot (6 in magazine + 1 in chamber). I don't have the muzzle break pictured above, but everything else is identical. Also looking to get a little flashlight to mount below the magazine tube, so if I have to use it in a darkened defense sitution, I can see the zombie I'm shooting at ;) Now I need to get this out to the range :)

Nice, although in a home defense situation, I prefer a handgun, Shothuns can be kind of messy. I have a simple Ruger 9mm loaded with Federal home defense rounds.

Same boat here....I've always liked him but never really went nuts over the guy or anything. Blow by Blow and Wired are the only two albums that I really like all the way through. This dvd really is amazing though. And yes, Tal is her name. She's 22, which is older than she looks but still really young...especially when you consider that she's playing and holding her own with Jeff Beck and Vinnie Colaiuta. Her solo on "'cause we've ended as lovers" is absolutely incredible.

She IS an incredible bass player, I'll have to pick this up when I have disposable income again...
Nice, although in a home defense situation, I prefer a handgun, Shothuns can be kind of messy. I have a simple Ruger 9mm loaded with Federal home defense rounds.
Yeah, could be messy, though with a shotgun you may have a better chance of hitting your target. And they SAY that pellets are less likely to go through walls than a bullet, but I'm not sold on that. And maybe the sound alone of racking the shotgun will be enought to make an intruder fecally load their shorts and/or run for the door :) I'm gonna look into getting some non-lethal rounds (assuming rubber pellet shells). What are those "home defense" rounds you speak of?
Obscura - Cosmogenesis....Very good Technical Death Metal in the same style of late Death, Cynic and Ya know...One of my favorite albums from 2009.
Mastodon - Crack The Skye...Amazing prog rock/metal album. Album of '09 for me.
What are those "home defense" rounds you speak of?

They are lower velocity/maximum expansion jacketed hollowpoints. Kind of made so they don't go through your and your neighbor's house should you miss. Although I never shot them at ballistic clay, they do have the ability to make VERY nasty wounds. Unlike standard ammo, usually a hollowpoint wont completely pass through the body, making 2 holes instead of one. The person/thing being hit by the hollowpoint absorbs most of the "shock" and helps contribute to the stopping power of hollowpoint ammo. There are several other makes that may be ballistically better, but Federal's have performed the best in my pistol. Probably way too much info, but what the hell, I'm quite passionate about my right/ability to protect myself with a firearm. :)
Asphyx - Last one on Earth and The Rack
Wayd - Decadence and Barriers
Suffocation - Pierced from Within/Effigy of the Forgotten

A death metal binge to follow up my 70s prog rock binge. :loco: