Your last purchase??

Porcupine Tree - In Absentia (I can't wait until their new album is released in September!)
Diabolical Masquerade - Nightwork
Taake - Doedskvad
Scar Symmetry - Holographic Universe (Looking forward to their upcoming album too)
What's some good Riverside to start with?

I know most will disagree with me, but I think Rapid Eye Movement is their best album. I love every second of it. Especially Through The Other Side - total "goose bump" inducing song. If you decide to get it, make sure it is the two disc edition.

Second Life Syndrome seems to make most fans cream their jeans, but I could never actually get into it that much. It's my least favorite out of all of their albums: And I own all of them plus the EP's.
Indukti is great. Great album.

Jack Vance - Tales of the Dying Earth. Good book so far. Whatever shall I buy next...

Ever read anything by Alastair Reynolds? Excellent (Non cheesy!) sci fi. I just finished Revelation Space and it was really entertaining.

I'm now about half way through the Endymion novels (Sequels to Hyperion) and, much to my surprise, they are just as good as the original novels.

Man, I actually read 17 books this summer - and I still have 3 weeks of vacation left!:blush:

Oh, and sorry for the triple post!
Post a review! I'm still bummed about not being able to make any of the dates:mad:

Well, I barely made it there, in a hurry, after being led down a an ending road surrounded by corn fields. I was a bit frazzled, and got an end seat with a bad view, so no pics, unfortunately. This was in the lower level "performance" room at the music school, and it was SRO, but not uncomfortably packed. It DID get hot & stuffy in there with all those people, but it was worth it. Lots of melting/sweating/heat jokes between songs from Guthrie and the band. I will say that the backing band from the school did a damn good job covering his tunes, Guthrie gave them multiple spots to shine during the performance, and they did well. I think he played 7-8 tunes, I don't have the cd here at work to tell you exactly which ones, a Billy Cobham tune, I believe off of Spectrum... He really is incredible live, and a joy to watch. AFter all my (mostly) playful dissing of him, I felt I needed to own up and piock up his cd, which I had him sign. There were quite a few folks waiting to talk to him, so I didn't get to talk to him for as long as I would have liked to. We did talk about the greatness that will be the next Freak Kitchen cd "Land Of The Freaks", which he heard all of the finished product while at RMC for a week long workshop with IA. Yes, HE brought it up! :lol: I told him I was dying to hear it, as I heard the tracks in their infancy when FK played at Prog Power in Atlanta. Asked him to say hi to the guys for me, when he goes to Sweden for a Freak Guitar Camp workshop. (I was planning on going this year, too! :()

Edit: He was using his sig model Suhr guitar through a bunch of pedals and borrowed Cornford combo...
For albums
Venom-welcome to hell

For Songs
Sonata arctica-paid in full
SNFU-Cannibal cafe
Satyricon-black crow on a tombstone
Dan Simmons - Illium and Olympos
Jack McDevitt - The Engines of God

If anyone here has even a passing interest in science fiction, I highly recommend checking out Dan Simmons' Hyperion Cantos novels. He is the only author I have ever read (Besides Peter F. Hamilton) that I can open up to a random part in a novel and remember and describe what happens subsequently in detail. Very clear, clever and brilliant author. I can't wait to start Illium and Olympos!