Your last purchase??

Futurama is pretty good, but they haven't made a new episode in ages! :erk:

I heard on Wikipedia that they are actually going to make a fifth season around 2008 when the show changes over to Comedy Central.

I doubt it will happen, though. :erk:
Just ordered:


scar symmetry's albums (as they will be at progpower UK this year)

awesome solos in there but often brief and there arent too many of them, a lot of the riffs are quite typical metal riffs, but the singer has an awesome growl and a great singing voice, most of their stuff is 4/4, dont know why they are playing a prog festival. looking to buy some dreamscape or cloudscape as they are playing there too, i also wanna get the new insomnium album at some point,

anyone got any cloudscape or dreamscape? could anyone recommend an album for me?

A new couch with pull-out bed option (will be delivered next week though)
Another bookcase.