Your last purchase??

Exactly. That is pretty much how i feel about the album. That's why i say it's the worst (otehr than the first two... haven't heard those).
I heard that the first 2 albums were KamTastic.

But then again, I heard that from Kamelot Fanbois and Fagirls, so we're back to Square 1.

today i bought:

The Princess Bride - only $5!!!! what a good deal is that! my kid was all like 'oh man im gonna hate that movie!' but i sat his ass down in front of it and told him just watch and i promised he would love it.. and sure enough he did :lol:
I still need to see taht movie.
Just bought Nevermore's "This Godless Endeavor." My opinion is: :headbang: :headbang: Right up there with "Dead Heart in a Dead World!"

The only Kamelot CD I found around town is "The Black Halo." Oh well, I'll find Karma online. The Fourth Legacy (the song) is the only one I've heard from TFL album, and it kicks ass!
today i bought:

The Princess Bride - only $5!!!! what a good deal is that! my kid was all like 'oh man im gonna hate that movie!' but i sat his ass down in front of it and told him just watch and i promised he would love it.. and sure enough he did :lol:

You have a child? The poor soul.
sentenced - buried alive double dvd/double cd set
... and 2 litres of moo-juice (haha!!)

on order - new kamelot cd/dvd set
- bronx casket company - sweet home transylvania (on order since sept, must remind my friend in cd shop to check on it for me..)

being off work on sickness benefits sucks, cant buy all the stuff i want
think whatever you want.. but yes i do, and yes i did.. its a cool ass movie.. especially for a 6yr old..

Hell, I still enjoy "The Princess Bride" and I'm 21 years old. That movie kicked ass when I was a kid and still does. :headbang:

Also I bought (haven't got a chance to give them a full listen yet);

Communic - Waves of Visual Decay
Stride - Imagine
i want to buy more music.. or download more to try out.. you guys should know what sort of thing i like by now.. great vocals, be that clean or death (preferably male - and if its death vocals, fairly slow understandable ones.. not the incoherant screaming) and with awesome music too - any suggestions?