Your Questions Answered!

Hey Jack, ive been a long time fan of Cannibal Corpse and Deicide, and I would just liek to say that the songs Ive heard from the new album sound killer and hopefully the rest of it will also. I have my copy pre-ordered so cant wait:kickass: :rock:

Ill see you guys if you come anywhere in Ohio which usually is in Cleveland so hopefully you do. But anyways my question is How long/many more albums are you guys(Glen, You, Steve, Ralph) planning on doing? and what inspires you to play the type of music you do. And also, what advice do you have for young musicians in the extreme metal genre?

Thanks for your time, and good job and good luck with upcoming shows/tours/life. rock on jack:rock: :rock:
Hi Jack,

Good to be able to speak to you - just to let you know that the video I checked out on Youtube from Stench was killer - love the more intricate guitar work - thanks for being here too, tbh.

Q: How did you find the Deicide gig? What prompted you to join the band after such a long stint in CC ?
..and being greedy, another question:

Q: Earache are promoting an extreme metal racing game (!). How did Deicide give permission for this? Were you guys consulted/ given any input?

Akercocke (who would be great to share a bill with you fellows, imo) say that they weren't consulted or asked in any way...
What up? I got some answers for ya'all. Been busy the last souple days!

Q: How long/many more albums are you guys(Glen, You, Steve, Ralph) planning on doing?
A: There is one more album left on our contract with Earache. After that, we'll see who shows interest in the band!
Q: What inspires you to play the type of music you do. And also, what advice do you have for young musicians in the extreme metal genre?
A: For some reason, I just kept searching for the next heaviest band to listen to. It started with Kiss when I was a kid and progresed to Maiden, Priest, Kreator, Sodom, Venom, Autopsy, etc... So when I started playing guitar, I guess I took the same approach. Always trying to write/play the heaviest shit ever! And as far as young musicians? A good thing to do is learn some cover songs yourself and go to open jams. This way you learn different techniques, meet other players, and learn to play on any gear you might have to. It's a win/win situation. Just don't worry what anyone in the crowd thinks. Let's see them get on stage and play better, and if they could, they wouldn't be heckling in the first place!

Q: How did you find the Deicide gig?
A: I knew the guy who was tour managing them at the time, and he thought of me when they needed a guitarist to go to Europe in 2 days!
Q: What prompted you to join the band after such a long stint in CC ?
A: Well, I had quit CC about 6 months earlier, and I've known the Deicide guys forever, and I needed a job! I also realized that death metal is what I do best, so why not... I've never stopped listening to extreme music, contrary to what many have speculated.
Q: Earache are promoting an extreme metal racing game (!). How did Deicide give permission for this? Were you guys consulted/ given any input?

A: Don't know many details as far as the video game. Glen handled that one. I'm sure he just agreed immediately to do it. As far as Ackercocke, don't know what happened there...

Now Playing-Bee Gees(!) Trafalgar LP
Jack I've just picked my copy of Stench up and have to say it's the dogs bollocks! How did you and Ralph split doing the rhythms? Did you both do them equally or who ever played them tightest? also whats your backline for the tour kranks??
I just bought the album (as promised!) although I downloaded the leak weeks ago. I got the limited edition version as it was only £1 extra.
My question is this - do the band have any input as to what the extras will be in the limited edition packages? I personally would have preffered a DVD showing the making of the album to the little cards and poster that's in "Stench", how do the band feel about the package? What would YOU have liked to put in there?
hi when are u guys coming to sweden?
it have been a while now....with all the cancelations....
love the new album.....
hi Jack,

I was enjoying another episode of the HeadBangers Ball when I saw the advertisement of a new Deicide and I had to search for info on it. That got me here. I've been a loyal fan of Deicide and CC for more than a decade and I was bummed at first hearing you leaving CC. However, when the news came that you joined Deicide I was thrilled. I have three questions for ya:

First, what kind of movies are you into?

Second, can you recomend some decent guitar scales for speed and Dex?

Third, is Deicide going to be near or around Chicago any time soon?
Stormwatch said:
I just bought the album (as promised!) although I downloaded the leak weeks ago. I got the limited edition version as it was only £1 extra.
My question is this - do the band have any input as to what the extras will be in the limited edition packages? I personally would have preffered a DVD showing the making of the album to the little cards and poster that's in "Stench", how do the band feel about the package? What would YOU have liked to put in there?
same here, considering the poster isnt even big and the art sucks. i thought there was supposed to be limited edition art, supposedly on here on 6-06-06. youd think they wouldve thought of something better.
aaronmb666 said:
same here, considering the poster isnt even big and the art sucks. i thought there was supposed to be limited edition art, supposedly on here on 6-06-06. youd think they wouldve thought of something better.

Art? It just looked like photos to me, I don't know why they're described as art cards.
The box the cd comes in is quite nice though and I'm not complaining about paying such a small amount to get the extras. I just would have preffered something like a DVD (like the one with the new Maiden album although that's OVERPRICED for what you get IMO! I'm never happy! :Saint: )
Stormwatch said:
Art? It just looked like photos to me, I don't know why they're described as art cards.
The box the cd comes in is quite nice though and I'm not complaining about paying such a small amount to get the extras. I just would have preffered something like a DVD (like the one with the new Maiden album although that's OVERPRICED for what you get IMO! I'm never happy! :Saint: )

I meant the cover art. I did that ask earache thing a few months ago and asked about the art/tracklisting. Heres what they said..
thats the retail cover- its lame yes, cos retail stores IN USA and Germany especially do not carry Cds with shocking images. Also the band love it. We are actualy planning an alternative very blasphemous CD cover available to fans by download only on 6.6.06. :rolleyes:
I met you guys last year in Dublin when you covered for the hoffs and were introduced as the new member to the irish crowd in the music centre. Im just wondering if you can remember the little baby my friends brought that had the deicide tshirt on? You guys all took a picture of it and I can remember glen playing with it.

Also, when will you be releasing the names of locations and venues for a enw european tour?

Good to see you on here talking to the fans the way artists should.
aaronmb666 said:
I meant the cover art. I did that ask earache thing a few months ago and asked about the art/tracklisting. Heres what they said..
thats the retail cover- its lame yes, cos retail stores IN USA and Germany especially do not carry Cds with shocking images. Also the band love it. We are actualy planning an alternative very blasphemous CD cover available to fans by download only on 6.6.06. :rolleyes:

Ah, well I quite like the cover myself. ALthough I don't quite understand why the cross is shaped with the bar in the middle - how come it's not inverted?