Your random annoyance of the day

I feel sick and tired, also have to clean up the damn kitchen and take a shower, should drive to the hardware-store and buy/order lots of wood panels but feel WAAAAAY too lazy :( Plus I have to pack my shit and drive to my parents, get gift wrapping paper, should drive to the wast disposal.... oh man.

I want to fucking chill here, listen to some good music and play BC2:Vietnam. Damnit.
OK I fucking hate top40 cover bands! I know a few guys which play in shitty cover bands and they turned into arrogant wankers. They achieved absolutely nothing and think they´re the best thing that happened to mankind since the invention of the wheel. I´m sick of it! If one of those guys tells me again that I have to form a band which plays songs that everyone knows and to quit the shout vocals (cause our music will get us obviously nowhere), I swear to god I´ll punch him in the face!
Sample rounding errors in Pro Tools


7 samples off on several consolidated guitar parts. Damn right those edits pop.
Found a cool-looking 2-track tape machine from the sixties at a flea market for dirt cheap 'cause it was missing the power cord. Got ridiculously expensive batteries to try it out before making a power cord, and after five hours of poking around with a screwdriver and a multimeter realized the motor is FUBAR. Fuck.
Im seriously considering quitting playing guitar just because i cant stand all the trouble that goes with it.
Im to picky to let someone else do all the work with them, and i really dont feel like paying someone to do something i can do just as well either.. so right now im sitting here with 5 guitars, all of them needs to be fixed and i just dont care anymore.
Its not fun to play guitar simply because all the fuckers do is break down in one way or another..
People who call on craigslist to check out an item, tell you they want to buy it, but just have to come up with the cash. And then offer shitty hollow bodies and Peavey practice amps in trade.

Also the fact that my sleeping schedule is completely fucked. I'm justing going to bed now at 5am... I have to be up for band pictures at 9am. Not only that, on Monday I start an 8am class. I have no idea how my sleep schedule is supposed to adjust that quickly, but it's going to have to.
Goddamn weather has fucked up all the necks of my guitars. Also I need to file the fret ends on my baja tele, because the neck has shrunk, dammit :S. Well, at least my Flaxwood does not care about the humidity :)
Goddamn weather has fucked up all the necks of my guitars. Also I need to file the fret ends on my baja tele, because the neck has shrunk, dammit :S. Well, at least my Flaxwood does not care about the humidity :)

Plus fucking one. It took three days of careful truss rod adjustment to get my Gordon Smith's neck back in line and it just and just had enough room to adjust.

And just wait until the -30c weathers are over and we're back to +5c. FUUUUUUUUCK.
just stayed home alone bored for new years. living in the midle of nowhere, unlicenced, and with lazy friends/parents sucks so bad.

my only amp has dead power tubes

someone bought a real cheap bmw i was looking at :(
I couldn't convert my company's Facebook 'group' to a 'page', which wasn't available back when I started it, so I had to create a new 'page' and re-invite everyone. Sorry guys. It's ridiculously stupid.

Also, finding a new apartment with a spare bedroom suitable to be turned into a mixing room is a major PITA.