Your random annoyance of the day

People fucking with my outboard settings while I'm tracking/mixing. Seriously, I set that shit on the first day and want to forget about it until I'm done with the project. Having someone come in overnight and screw with shit just because they can without even telling me... Argh, face stabby time.

whaaaaaaaaat? why in the world would anyone do such a thing?

@Russtopher: LOL! The local wildlife will steal your food away fo sho
Just began moving in to my first own apartment(Yeh, still lives with mom and dad. :lol:).. turns out after i pay the bills that i only have about 300$ left until the next paycheck arrives, and i dont have any kitchen table yet(Although the rest of the apartment is done.). :erk:
And it sucked majorly having to spend about 200$ on frames for my movie theater posters, and those where the cheapest ones i could find!
Just began moving in to my first own apartment(Yeh, still lives with mom and dad. :lol:).. turns out after i pay the bills that i only have about 300$ left until the next paycheck arrives, and i dont have any kitchen table yet(Although the rest of the apartment is done.). :erk:
And it sucked majorly having to spend about 200$ on frames for my movie theater posters, and those where the cheapest ones i could find!

:err: That sounds pretty fucking nice honestly. After bills and food I have about $200 for the 3 of us each month.
yeah, come on, nobody needs a kitchen's all about frames for movie theater posters...
I have about 200$ for me and my girl most of the time, including food! (and I'm still fat...damn)

Have to study accounting system atm because I write exams tomorrow and it just sucks soooo much.
80 pages full of shit and I only know the stuff from the first 20, 60 pages to learn in the next 20 hours
and I wanted to sleep at least 2 hours...
:err: That sounds pretty fucking nice honestly. After bills and food I have about $200 for the 3 of us each month.

The problem is that i don't have any food yet.. and it will cost me another ~150$ to get an internet connection set up there.

Lucky me that i can stay at my parents home until the next paycheck and eat for free.
Refunding a lesson I did Monday that didn't go well (long story). The other option is to buy Cubase and learn it inside and out just so I can teach it better. Not something I'm interested in investing in.
So doing the honorable thing fucks my budget the least amount.

2 days ago I went for a massive night out with mates, consumed way too many illegal and intoxicating substances and crashed out the morning after at 9. I slept till about 8 at night, so I decided to stay up for a while to let my body clock turn itself around. At about half midnight I decide it's a good idea to sleep so I get into bed. I'm just about to drift off an hour later, when I hear people shouting and eventually the shouting turns into a full on party in the flat next to me. 20 minutes ago I was nearly drifting off after blazing a fat spliff, party still going on (my time 5:52 am so the party has been going on at least 4 hours), then the fire alarm goes off. Some cunt at the party had decided to smoke in the hall, the only place with a proper fire alarm, so the whole building has to be evacuated.

I don't mind when people have flat parties. 3 in the morning is ok. 4 is annoying but I can tollerate it... but come on. It's nearly 6. FUCK OFF.
Do you ever get the feeling that the Dark Ages never actually fucking ended? A friend posted this on facebook today:

"Boycott ignorance. Don't believe everything your GPS tells you."

WTF does that even mean? My friend here has got to be one of the most ignorant people i've ever met in my life. He's a huge Alex Jones fan and general Tinfoil nutter. And yes, you guessed it, he's a fundamentalist christian too, and everyfuckingthing is a conspiracy against god.

I have another friend who has recently been sucked into the realm of New Age bullshit. Fucking shakras, prana, all that shit. He's been seeing a Therapeutic Touch quack as well. No wonder his back hasn't been getting any better. He hasn't even been getting any real help! Yet he complains about it all the time, and he also misses work more than anyone else I know. I was chillin' with him and some friends yesterday and a woman who was there brought up the therapeutic touch stuff. She asked him where he was going to get therapy, and she even offered to do it herself! He declined, saying he preferred a place in Seattle. She continues to explain that the therapy can be done over the phone! I immediately burst into laughter. Jesus titty-fucking Christ. We are still a bunch of dumb animals. Animals with with high technology, but we're still afraid of our own fucking shadows.

Why do I let this stuff bother me? Well, because I care! I actually fucking care if the people in my life are delusional or not. They don't even seem to care or be aware of their own mental or physical health.
Do you ever get the feeling that the Dark Ages never actually fucking ended? A friend posted this on facebook today:

"Boycott ignorance. Don't believe everything your GPS tells you."

WTF does that even mean? My friend here has got to be one of the most ignorant people i've ever met in my life. He's a huge Alex Jones fan and general Tinfoil nutter. And yes, you guessed it, he's a fundamentalist christian too, and everyfuckingthing is a conspiracy against god.

I have another friend who has recently been sucked into the realm of New Age bullshit. Fucking shakras, prana, all that shit. He's been seeing a Therapeutic Touch quack as well. No wonder his back hasn't been getting any better. He hasn't even been getting any real help! Yet he complains about it all the time, and he also misses work more than anyone else I know. I was chillin' with him and some friends yesterday and a woman who was there brought up the therapeutic touch stuff. She asked him where he was going to get therapy, and she even offered to do it herself! He declined, saying he preferred a place in Seattle. She continues to explain that the therapy can be done over the phone! I immediately burst into laughter. Jesus titty-fucking Christ. We are still a bunch of dumb animals. Animals with with high technology, but we're still afraid of our own fucking shadows.

Why do I let this stuff bother me? Well, because I care! I actually fucking care if the people in my life are delusional or not. They don't even seem to care or be aware of their own mental or physical health.

Couldn´t agree more. Lol´d at the Gps comment, I don´t get it but it´s funny hahaha
Had to send back my monitor stands because they where just too high for the huge Opals... Now I need to wait for the smaller ones and in the meantime I have to put my Opals on the DESK... That sucks soooo hard! The bass response is so much worse with the monitors on the desk. To everyone: buy monitor stands, it makes a huge difference.
More than just an annoyance..

I'm on accutane atm for my skin, been on it for the past 4 months. I'm pretty sensitive to the side-effects, even on a low dose, so along with all the usual dry skin/lips, I'm getting joint pain all over. Sore knees, lower back, upper back, elbows, shins, hips. It pretty much means I'm almost completely wasting my time in the gym atm.

I thought I'd only be on it for another 2 months, as the usual course is ~6 months. But that's on a higher dose, apparently. Found out yesterday that I should be on this for the rest of the fucking YEAR. No gym, can't drink (it's my 21st this year too), permanent fucking cold. Fuck my life..
when you've ran out of DVD's in your shelf or you finally admit you've seen every episode of southpark from season 1-13 atleast 3 times :(

edit: another one, I wanted to buy a philip glass CD but I DONT HAVE THE MONEY
More than just an annoyance..

I'm on accutane atm for my skin, been on it for the past 4 months. I'm pretty sensitive to the side-effects, even on a low dose, so along with all the usual dry skin/lips, I'm getting joint pain all over. Sore knees, lower back, upper back, elbows, shins, hips. It pretty much means I'm almost completely wasting my time in the gym atm.

I thought I'd only be on it for another 2 months, as the usual course is ~6 months. But that's on a higher dose, apparently. Found out yesterday that I should be on this for the rest of the fucking YEAR. No gym, can't drink (it's my 21st this year too), permanent fucking cold. Fuck my life..

It's worth it.

MY annoyance of the day, 1000 craiglist responses to my cab that I'm selling, then every flakes. FUARK.
So this band wanted me to record their EP. They were REALLY fucking good (indie genre), had great instruments, skill, songs and motivation. We planned to start tracking as soon as I finish the studio (about 1-2 months from now I guess). Now they won a band contest. Guess what the price was: Recording a full studio album for free, in some shitty studio.
FML -.-
I had to move out my house because my flatmate stormed into my room drunk with a hammer at 3am whilst I was asleep after having a conversation with a taxi driver about the best methods to rip my teeth out.

Total number of things that have fell through this year:

1) Band
2) House
3) Renting a place to record
4) All my friends
5) All attempts to get a job

Currently stuck pretty much entirely friendless in my folks house wondering what the fuck the next move is from here. Jesus christ.