Your random annoyance of the day

This reminds me that I haven't been sick in years. Kinda scary in a way. Wondering if some horrible sickness will finally get me.

Feel better man!
The throat pain is ok now, but the penecilin is hitting my stomach hard. I have to take this fuckers till next tuesday :/ But on the other hand I can drink, eat and smoke again^^
Last time I was sick is also more then a year ago. It hit me totaly out of the blue.
Thats also the reason why the penecilin is helping so fast, because my body is totaly untouched buy that stuff for more then 3 years...
- Anything graphic related to touching eyes or similar action. Including eye drops, contact lenses and needles. Causes me to have runny eyes.
- Insects. Especially anything slimy, shiny or touching my skin, but I also get massive panic attacks for indoor butterflies and moths etc.

+1! :lol:
- Anything graphic related to touching eyes or similar action. Including eye drops, contact lenses and needles. Causes me to have runny eyes.
- ...and surgery videos. They make me want to puke.

The second one definitely. The first one, a little, but mostly if I look at a watery eye (even on TV/movie) my eyes will start watering. Fuck even thinking about it now makes my eyes run.

I managed to go all year without being sick for more than a couple of days at a time, then New Years Day I felt hungover despite not drinking and now I feel like shit. Plus I'm getting constant nosebleeds so I can't even blow my nose without hovering over the sink for the next 10 minutes. >: (
Client was supposed to be here at 13:00, now it's 13:40 and I can't reach him.
Cool thing I said "10:00 would be good" (10 am) and he was too lazy.. and now even 1pm isn't enough. Nice.

edit: Yeah, he arrived at 14:30. Nice.. Good thing I get paid per commenced day.
OK here's a couple of mini-rants. I had taken today as a "work from home" day since my daughter did not have school today, and I was able to schedule some contractors to do some insulation work that the gas company is pretty much footing the bill for entirely.

At 6am my wife told me the downstairs hallway was flooded. Turns out the pipe that carried water runoff from my heating system had frozen and the water pump was just spewing water into the hallway. 4 pairs of shoes were drenched, so I sent my son to daycare in shoes that didn't fit. Finally got a McGuyver'd workaround in place thanks to my father-in-law around noontime. So I cleaned up all the water and put the shoes in front of the fireplace to dry off.

Then my daughter blocked a toilet but decided instead of telling me, she'd just flush the toilet repeatedly to try and unclog it. So I had water on THAT bathroom floor, which is on the second floor, and it also leaked down to the first floor of the house as well. So I had to clean THAT water up.

And, just when I thought things were OK, I walked into my bedroom to discover a 3 feet long crack in the ceiling, and paint/plaster chips all over my dresser. Turns out that most likely one of the contractors misstepped in the attic, and then the weight of the new insulation caused the ceiling to buckle. So now they are calling in a plasterer to fix the damage.

Screw you, Monday. Screw you sideways with a brick.
I hate when people reply to John instead of Jon. why?? My email sig says Jon. I always put in effort to spell your name correctly.
I got called Yon last week, that was....

Same here , either we have great immune systems or we're like Mr. Burns from the Simpsons

I haven't had a physical in about 18 years. Been sick no more than a dozen days in that time.

OK here's a couple of mini-rants. I had taken today as a "work from home" day since my daughter did not have school today, and I was able to schedule some contractors to do some insulation work that the gas company is pretty much footing the bill for entirely.

At 6am my wife told me the downstairs hallway was flooded. Turns out the pipe that carried water runoff from my heating system had frozen and the water pump was just spewing water into the hallway. 4 pairs of shoes were drenched, so I sent my son to daycare in shoes that didn't fit. Finally got a McGuyver'd workaround in place thanks to my father-in-law around noontime. So I cleaned up all the water and put the shoes in front of the fireplace to dry off.

Then my daughter blocked a toilet but decided instead of telling me, she'd just flush the toilet repeatedly to try and unclog it. So I had water on THAT bathroom floor, which is on the second floor, and it also leaked down to the first floor of the house as well. So I had to clean THAT water up.

And, just when I thought things were OK, I walked into my bedroom to discover a 3 feet long crack in the ceiling, and paint/plaster chips all over my dresser. Turns out that most likely one of the contractors misstepped in the attic, and then the weight of the new insulation caused the ceiling to buckle. So now they are calling in a plasterer to fix the damage.

Screw you, Monday. Screw you sideways with a brick.

ffffffuuuu. Sucks dude. My annoyance of the day really doesn't compare.
ffffffuuuu. Sucks dude. My annoyance of the day really doesn't compare.

Thanks man.

I didn't even bother to update the post when I had to rush the kids out of the house when my carbon monoxide alarm started going off like crazy.


An hour after the contractors left, the alarm went off. So I reset it. It immediately started going off again. "Uh oh", I thought, wondering if the insulation work accidentally blocked an exhaust pipe off. So I completely disconnected the alarm to reset it, plugged it in... and it started going off. So I rushed the kids out of the house to the neighbors, called the gas company, and got ready to dial 911.

Thankfully everything checked out OK - all the dust from the work caused some false triggers on the alarm.

Seriously, yesterday SUCKED.
The name on my CRB is spelt wrong for my new job and the online reading they want me to do before my induction isn't currently available and hasn't been for the last 2 weeks.

What's worse is someone spat their gum into my cup of tea at lunch today.
I am working on my diploma and I hate it, for today I should read 50 pages about corporate identity and shit
in a book that has around 900 pages, the problem is, the 50 pages are allover the book so all in all I have to
read like 150 pages to get all the good information out of it and the book by itself sucks soooo much, than
I have to write a few pages about all the shit I red and I don't want to do it, I also should learn controlling
because I write a test next week but I am just pissed off!
Best Friday ever.

1. Been working two weeks for at least 8-10 hours a day at school on our final demonstration assignment and after that 6-8 hours a day at home on my own clients, all the while catching up with school assignments I hadn't done and figuring out the move to a new city on Sunday, which consists of a fuck ton of phone calls, scheduling and shit. I'm dead-fucking-beat and stressed out.
2. The order on my new phone was fucked up without the service provider bothering to tell me, so now I had to order it again. I should've received the phone on Wednesday or Thursday latest. I won't have Internet access for several days due to the move, and my current phone can't access e-mail anymore, so I will out of reach business-wise with a few clients for days.
3. Spent the night (4 hours) sleeping on the sofa at a friend's place because it's a 1 hour drive from the school's studio to my apartment and we had a night shift yesterday and a morning shift today.
4. Our beloved Golf MKIII broke down once again, and I'm totally out of money. The technicians didn't know what was wrong, so they tried their luck and changed a part. "Hope it'll work, no refunds."
5. When I finally got home, the fiancé told me she forgot to get an electricity plan for the next apartment. I'm kinda curious to see how this'll turn out. Oh, and now she's mad at me. I'm not exactly sure of the logic here, but I'm sure it's all perfectly fair in a way I just can't comprehend.
6. Work has been tight around here for the two years I've lived here, and now, a couple of days from getting out of here, I get two regular position job offers. In my own field of work, which is audio engineer. And I had to decline them.

Honestly, there are days when I feel like I should just bury myself under a blanket with a bottle of JD and stop giving a fuck.
People fucking with my outboard settings while I'm tracking/mixing. Seriously, I set that shit on the first day and want to forget about it until I'm done with the project. Having someone come in overnight and screw with shit just because they can without even telling me... Argh, face stabby time.
My Edwards les paul has a bullet style truss rod nut and the only tool I have for that style is much too small.

Seriously, who ever heard of a les paul with action so low you can't bend properly?
Last week was all the issues with the house.

This week, it's my fridge - it died. So now all my food from fridge and freezer are on my back deck:


I tried to just keep it in perspective, when the kids got up I told them to look outside to pick out their breakfast :D