Your random annoyance of the day

I have yet to experience much with Lion, so I'll just say that as a precaution, I wait a MINIMUM of about a year before I'll upgrade my operating system. There never fails to be some sort of problem you have to sort out. Especially when Pro Tools is involved.
came home from work, cat vomited 2 times, blood on the floor, first thought was that
he vomited blood, but he peed blood, had a infection of the urinary tract, had to go
to the animal emergency and they said that I had luck. 12-24 hours later and the cat
would have died.
came home from work, cat vomited 2 times, blood on the floor, first thought was that
he vomited blood, but he peed blood, had a infection of the urinary tract, had to go
to the animal emergency and they said that I had luck. 12-24 hours later and the cat
would have died.

damn, is he ok? what caused it?
I just killed a Robin by accident, poor little bastard made a beautiful corpse but would have been better off living. :(
I enjoy what I do, but having to deal with clients at my job really grinds my gears. They seem to ask for new functionality--the point of which seems to go completely over their heads--and wish to have everything implemented in the same way that Google and Facebook do things. These are tried and true sites... Why not just fucking use Google and Facebook instead of having me reinvent the wheel? :wallbash:
OMG -.-

I had three Full-Length productions planned for this year (yeah only 3 because I am still building the studio). So... last week the first band cancelled because they broke up. Great.. lots of money and a really cool band with great musicians and songs gone. Would've been a great reference production for me. They hadn't yet paid the deposit, because I know them very well and they've been a successful band for years. Well, bad luck. And besides, still two albums left huh?

Today, the second band called and cancelled because they broke up. WTF. I got a small deposit from this second band, but it's ridiculously few money and also I really need good and recent productions for my portfolio. GODFUCKINGDAMNIT. Plus they're being stupid about the deposit (we have tracked 4 songs so far) and want their money back. Of course I have a "no refunds for deposits" rule - good thing I have a contract where this is written black on white with their signatures on it. It also says "no refunds" on the invoice I sent them.

The third Full-Length is still planned, but only sometime in 2012. FML.
OMG -.-

I had three Full-Length productions planned for this year (yeah only 3 because I am still building the studio). So... last week the first band cancelled because they broke up. Great.. lots of money and a really cool band with great musicians and songs gone. Would've been a great reference production for me. They hadn't yet paid the deposit, because I know them very well and they've been a successful band for years. Well, bad luck. And besides, still two albums left huh?

Today, the second band called and cancelled because they broke up. WTF. I got a small deposit from this second band, but it's ridiculously few money and also I really need good and recent productions for my portfolio. GODFUCKINGDAMNIT. Plus they're being stupid about the deposit (we have tracked 4 songs so far) and want their money back. Of course I have a "no refunds for deposits" rule - good thing I have a contract where this is written black on white with their signatures on it. It also says "no refunds" on the invoice I sent them.

The third Full-Length is still planned, but only sometime in 2012. FML.

I feel ya man. It's been downright fucking ridiculous lately. For a good example, see my last post in this very thread:
I feel ya man. It's been downright fucking ridiculous lately. For a good example, see my last post in this very thread:
Thanks. And.. yeah :( I actually read your post but decided to quit Safari before I could write a 10000 words rage post about this topic :yell: :zzz: I know that's life and they're just as unhappy about the break-ups as I am. I even understand when bands decide to go with another studio / engineer etc, like in your case (minus the not-letting-you-know part, that's just a huge dick move I will never understand) but it's SO fucking annoying. Thousands of Euros that I just won't earn now.. *sigh* And I'm not sure I can find two other bands anytime soon who are willing to book for a full blown production of 12 songs each.
Thanks. And.. yeah :( I actually read your post but decided to quit Safari before I could write a 10000 words rage post about this topic :yell: :zzz: I know that's life and they're just as unhappy about the break-ups as I am. I even understand when bands decide to go with another studio / engineer etc, like in your case (minus the not-letting-you-know part, that's just a huge dick move I will never understand) but it's SO fucking annoying. Thousands of Euros that I just won't earn now.. *sigh* And I'm not sure I can find two other bands anytime soon who are willing to book for a full blown production of 12 songs each.

Ha, had actually the exact same happen to me a while back. Awesome album job coming up and the band broke up. Huge bummer.
would love to travel right now, especially to the USA but I have to work alot and get a new job, having no time at
all, our car fucked up and we need a new one and all my friends are travelling at the moment. A good friend of mine
went to the USA for 6 months from work, had to work 3 days a week, got everything paid and got 3 weeks holiday
there and posts pictures from his road trip on facebook all the time. I HATE THAT!!!!
Went to a flat viewing the other day cos trying to get back into the city again.

Just found out today the guy gave the room to one of his mates, fair enough, but don't get me to come fucking view it if you've already got one of your buddies lined up - total waste of my fucking time. Jeez.