Your random annoyance of the day

Phone bill ending up being $100.61 instead of $39. Go over your cap with Telstra and they will charge you an arm and a fucking leg every time you so much as look at your mobile.

Also, decided to drive to college yesterday because I could not be fucked with a 25 minute train ride there, then back at 10pm. Get there, pay the $10 to park my car for 3 bloody hours (plus the $5 in fuel), sit down in the lecture room and 5 sceonds later the lecturer comes in and tells us that our class has been cancelled; instead of sending out an email an hour ago, he thought he'd tell us in person to try and save face. THANKS FUCKHEAD. Way to help me justify me even being at that fucking pisshole of a 'college' in the first place. Fucking SAE.
MSN doesn't work because I need to update my Flash.
But normal Flash doesn't work, I need "Flash for Internet Explorer".
The link it gives me only opens in Internet Explorer.
My Internet Explorer doesn't work either.
I can't reinstall it because it's the latest version and I can't uninstall it because its part of Windows.

Also, Hotmail no longer works in Chrome. What is going on?!
MSN doesn't work because I need to update my Flash.
But normal Flash doesn't work, I need "Flash for Internet Explorer".
The link it gives me only opens in Internet Explorer.
My Internet Explorer doesn't work either.
I can't reinstall it because it's the latest version and I can't uninstall it because its part of Windows.

Also, Hotmail no longer works in Chrome. What is going on?!

Bill Gates trollin' yo filez

P.S. who's the chick in your avatar? :eek:
My 3 month old refurbished fridge (that only came with a 30 day warranty of course) is fucked up and not working, it's labor day weekend and my odds of getting a repair guy to come out tomorrow is next to nill, so no fridge all weekend. And if by some fucking crazy fucking chance I do, odds are he will have to order the part that's fucked up.

i met a racially ambiguous racist woman

she had that really weird racially ambiguous golden/caramel colored skin-tone and also that really ultra-feminine racially ambiguous nose shape, and it's kinda rare to see both of those things on a the same woman, and i asked her if she was "mixed" and she just instantly got horrendously offended that i thought she looked like a "fucking half-breed" (i said the word "mixed" and she said the phrase "fucking half-breed") and she got up and stormed off
i only mention it here, because, even though she wasn't mixed, and got offended that i thought she was mixed-race, i still,l even now, have no idea which race she was, i don't know if she was a sun-tanned white girl or if she was a high-yellow, i don't really care which race she was, it just seems stupid that she would get so goddam freaked out by someone having the balls to point out the blatantly obvious and not ignore the elephant in the room
i met a racially ambiguous racist woman

she had that really weird racially ambiguous golden/caramel colored skin-tone and also that really ultra-feminine racially ambiguous nose shape, and it's kinda rare to see both of those things on a the same woman, and i asked her if she was "mixed" and she just instantly got horrendously offended that i thought she looked like a "fucking half-breed" (i said the word "mixed" and she said the phrase "fucking half-breed") and she got up and stormed off
i only mention it here, because, even though she wasn't mixed, and got offended that i thought she was mixed-race, i still,l even now, have no idea which race she was, i don't know if she was a sun-tanned white girl or if she was a high-yellow, i don't really care which race she was, it just seems stupid that she would get so goddam freaked out by someone having the balls to point out the blatantly obvious and not ignore the elephant in the room
