Your random annoyance of the day

applied for loads of different jobs (like 20) in the last 2 1/2 monts.
They all say that they're interested but want to wait for other applicants, so I am waiting and waiting and waiting...
A few of those jobs should actually start a week ago, but they're still looking for somebody-just hire me, god damn!
So, my contract ends this friday, I am waiting for 2 1/2 monts, called them and just got no real answer, I HATE THIS!
The fact that EVERY single time I have a day off of work during the week, and want to work on music for my band/record new riffs/tab stuff out, someone has to be running a lawnmower right outside my place. Literally, every time....I think God is playing a very cruel joke on me. A few months ago this happened, so I left to go to our practice space and work in piece and quiet (at our vocalists garage/shed) and what the fuck do you know - bunch of kids riding around outside on a lawnmower for fun. :bah:

Years ago I recorded a shitty demo album in less than ideal circumstances.
Only recently I was going through the multi-tracks for a laugh and noticed that if you solo the guitar parts on one song you can distinctly hear a lawnmower in the background :lol:
I've been trying to sell my Marshall MA50 amp head on eBay for a little over a month now. I listed it for $200 less than what it costs new at most stores. Plus I'm in the middle of recording my album. This is putting it on hold. Fuck.

I just joined a new band, and I have a sore throat and a bad cold. I'm supposed to sing at band practice tomorrow.

I missed school on Friday, so now I have twice the homework in all of my classes.

@100 door slams over the last 2 hours! And it's midnite!!

Took some Viagra earlier, now everything looks green lol

Damn that's 2 complains in a row jaja
Yeah sorry, language barrier. I had them stacked in the very corner of my desk and then accidentally hit them with my elbow which caused them to fall on the ground ;)
Anyway I hate broken CD cases and I hate CD cases that don't stay closed because they're broken even more.
My own fault, but I sat home all week after work and concentrated on NOT smoking a pack a day and drinking 10-12 beers a night. Well, it went great for about 4 days. Yesterday, I somehow smoked a pack of ciggies and got pretty drunk with a few buddies at a bbq. Hungover. Ffffuuuuuuu!!!!
It would've been more of an annoyance if it would've happened after I bought it, but still...

Brought in a guitar amp to try out and buy, and after a good 15/20 minutes playing around with and being convinced of keeping it (like new, it looked like it was brand new, and very cheap), the distortion channel died out, and so we didn't buy it, the dude took it home to open it up and look at it. We really need an amp for live shows, and this was the best, cheapest and easiest option, so I'm kinda bummed I didn't keep it.
It would've been more of an annoyance if it would've happened after I bought it, but still...

Brought in a guitar amp to try out and buy, and after a good 15/20 minutes playing around with and being convinced of keeping it (like new, it looked like it was brand new, and very cheap), the distortion channel died out, and so we didn't buy it, the dude took it home to open it up and look at it. We really need an amp for live shows, and this was the best, cheapest and easiest option, so I'm kinda bummed I didn't keep it.

Well this turned out to be a joy of the day. It seems the amp is still within warranty, so after the owners changes it, I´ll get a new amp for the price of a used one :rock:
Bought 2 sets of a new ( more appropiate) gauge sets for my Ibanez RGR08, put one set, adjust the intonation, truss rod, action...and all of a sudden, the third fret, third string, buzzes like crazy. Also when doing a 1 and a half steps bend on the first string, 14th fret, it does fret out.

Only on those frets.

Have to work on a survey for a federal German institution at my part time job with my incredibly slow female colleague (who is in a higher position). That means I'll have to listen to Supertramp for 10 hours straight today and tomorrow - after doing so for 8 hours yesterday.
I fucking hate Supertramp, it is the worst thing to EVER come out of the UK (no offense to the British here). How anyone could actually like that bullshit is just beyond me.
Adding to my pain there will be some Celine Dion, that Canadian cunt, thrown into the playlist along with the whiney bitch-ass annoyance that is Coldplay.

I just wish that for one day there would be Death Metal and the sorts playing everywhere I go. Since I have to put up with this pop-music moaning shit every day it would be a joy to see people freak out at some guy growling into the mic for once.

Just had to vent about that.
A conversation I just had...

Him "Tape is so much better to record onto, DAW's just sound so digital"
Me "Have you ever recorded onto tape?"
Him "No"
Me "Do you hear 1's and 0's when recording into Pro Tools?"
Him "No"

But if you argue the fact that tape sounds better i would actually have to be quite honest and say that you must be deaf. :lol:
However, i would be surprised if this guy was good enough to nail things good enough for tracking on tape. ;)