Your random annoyance of the day

ordered two CDs as christmas presents for my brother at amazon 15th of december,
both of them haven't arrived yet, one of them hasn't been sent out yet. The other
one was sent out on saturday and still hasn't arrived yet, sucks!
Making my band's new Album. One fucking thing after the other.

Our other guitarist falls and busts his wrist just as we're about to track his parts. Delays.

Our Singer picks up the flu just when she's about to start her tracking. Delays.

Mix Time! I wake up this morning to a sinus infection that's playing havoc with my hearing. More Delays.

Random annoyance of the year... being told three times by girls that I'm "too nice"

HOW DO ASSHOLE? ¯(°_o)/¯
Oh man, I know that.. I rarely ever meet women I'm really interested in but when I do, I get friend-zoned immediately. We're obviously doing it wrong haha. :rolleyes:

On the other hand, women who want to be treated like shit (I'd guess 90%) have severe problems on their own and you're probably better off not dating them.
A band who I'd agreed to record with have booked in time at another studio before the dates we'd agreed.

Really not happy!
Could be jealously, as i won't be the first with the new tracks, but I hate losing work to another studio.
A band who I'd agreed to record with have booked in time at another studio before the dates we'd agreed.

Really not happy!
Could be jealously, as i won't be the first with the new tracks, but I hate losing work to another studio.

I hate when a band says they'll record with you, then goes and records elsewhere but never telling you they're doing it. So you find out via a studio update on their facebook or something similar.

I understand bands will change their minds and stuff and it's their band, they can choose to record wherever they want, but it only takes a minute to write a mail to tell you they've decided not to use your services this time around. Happened me a few times and it seems to always be after details are worked out and you're waiting on a mail confirming dates.
Went to my parents yesterday, they asked me 3 weeks ago what I would like to get as christmas presents,
told them, I don't need anything fancy...the only thing I want, like for 10 years now, is a full star wars dvd
collection (never had the money to buy it myself when I saw it), they asked me about a few things, told them
I don't like them, I don't want them, I don't have the room for them.

Yesterday, opened my presents, no star wars :( , just all the stuff I DIDN'T want (more expensive than the
Star Wars DVDs) and than they told me they bought it after I told them I don't want it...yeah, it sucks to
rant about presents, but it's always the same, and they asked me what my gf wanted, there were some things
she really wanted (nothing expensive or hard to get) and all they got for her was stuff they like that is expensive
and ugly as fuck. If they gonna give me stuff like that, just don't ask me before what I want.

And than I got a bad cold, so when I arrived at home again, I had fever and so on, feeling sick as hell, but we
have to visit my gf's aunt today and her dad tomorrow, driving around 600 miles...

like I said, it sucks to rant about presents, but I just had to get that out and I am not sure why my parents are
doing this (had some serious problems with them some years ago) I would be more happy to get no presents at
I joined a band with a moderate fanbase recently. 16,000 Likes on FB. Nothing too big but they have a decent fan-base and they're a newer band.

Anyways, I'm getting railed with hate by fans of their old vocalist.
I'm doing well with not taking it personally.. but man, people can be harsh! lol
I've fucking missed API 3124 on ebay just because I thought the auction is gonna end this evening, while it ended this morning. FUUUUUUUUUUU And now I don't know whether to wait for another one to show up or to just buy new for extra $400, but thats the money I wanted to spend on Roland triggers! What the fuck, man! And I need it because there's a band booked for the end of january to track their album, and I was going to track it with my new Neumann 184's and those API pre's...
I joined a band with a moderate fanbase recently. 16,000 Likes on FB. Nothing too big but they have a decent fan-base and they're a newer band.

Anyways, I'm getting railed with hate by fans of their old vocalist.
I'm doing well with not taking it personally.. but man, people can be harsh! lol

Just looked up the facebook post.. damn people are mean :(.
But good for you keeping your cool, and now you just have them shut up by doing awesome on the album ! :)

Good luck !
License transfer stupidness. I have a copy of Bias Peak 6 LE that I don't use, and I thought I might as well give it away to someone who needs it or trade it for a cheap plugin or something. The transfer fee is $30 and they require a transfer document signed by both parties and mailed to the US, so yeah, I guess I'll just keep a perfectly good piece of software lie unused on my hard drive then