Your random annoyance of the day

Craigslist in general. Too many people trying to scam other with way overpriced used gear... Like anyone wants to spend $350 on a shitty solidstate Peavey or Sabian B8 cymbals...

RECENTLY though- that goes along with my other thread I recently started, I keep getting flagged for posting freelance inquiries in the musicians section (which I only renew once expired). It's fucking annoying- I'm not advertising anything either.

Assholes like that ruin something like Craigslist for everyone else and need to be shot in the face. It's too bad they don't have better regulation of who/what can be flagged... Or at least have some sort of funding for people to moderate it... Shit...
A work of mine got released (Amazon and stuff) which is 2 1/2 years old...

Of course they present it as a 2012 work, kinda.

For me, my barely 3 year old recordings are OLD(and suck;)), man, I kinda started 3 years ago:Shedevil:
I have to borrow a 003 for the week as we ordered a rme ufx and some audient pres to replace the interface at the tracking studio that went down two weeks ago and because the distributer sat around twiddling their thumbs for a week before sending it we now have to use my fireface 800 to track this week leaving me without an interface... Guess this will be a good way to make note of the differences in DA conversion.
I sent my iPhone to repair cause the home button was failing and was still within the warranty, recieved a new one three days later, this should´ve been a random joy... Except the new one didn´t work. Didn´t charge at all, so I had to turn it back AGAIN.

Hey dude, out of curiosity, how did the button crap out? Mine goes all sticky and clicky every now and then and then "fixes" itself at some point. I still have a couple of months of warranty left, so I thought I might want to get it repaired even though it's working fine at the moment, but I don't like the idea of using some fifty-dollar Nokia for a couple of weeks. It's an iPhone 4.
Hey dude, out of curiosity, how did the button crap out? Mine goes all sticky and clicky every now and then and then "fixes" itself at some point. I still have a couple of months of warranty left, so I thought I might want to get it repaired even though it's working fine at the moment, but I don't like the idea of using some fifty-dollar Nokia for a couple of weeks. It's an iPhone 4.

It just slowly started responding less and less, at first it was nothing, like sometimes I had to click twice to get it to work, but rarely, but lately I had to hti it 5 or 6 times in anger in order for it to work, so I called Apple cause I had 3 months left of warranty, plus I know a guy who had the same problem and did the same thing. My third iPhone 4 :)lol:) arrived today, seems to be working fine, finally! If your home button is starting to fail, I suggest calling apple support an have them change it before your warranty expires. I used my old iPhone 3g in the meanwhile, but someone told me you can ask for a "courtesy" replacement phone while yours is away.

Oh and it´s super quick, three days and it´s back, at least both times with me it was like that.
i sometimes have kinda the same problem, though i've had mine for like 15 months by now so i guess the warranty's up. need to check up on that

on the positive side, i had some problems with the headphone jack working very poorly. turns out, the jack had a ton of shit from my pocket inside it that couldn't be seen by looking inside it :lol: used a needle to take the stuff out and now it works great
sopulurn said:
i sometimes have kinda the same problem, though i've had mine for like 15 months by now so i guess the warranty's up. need to check up on that

on the positive side, i had some problems with the headphone jack working very poorly. turns out, the jack had a ton of shit from my pocket inside it that couldn't be seen by looking inside it :lol: used a needle to take the stuff out and now it works great

The "free" warranty is 12 months AFAIK, if you bought extended Apple care it'll be more, if not you're out of luck.

Hahaha I remember you posting something about your headphone jack fucking up while doing backing tracks or something, I thought it was weird cause I'd never heard of such issue before
The "free" warranty is 12 months AFAIK, if you bought extended Apple care it'll be more, if not you're out of luck.

Hahaha I remember you posting something about your headphone jack fucking up while doing backing tracks or something, I thought it was weird cause I'd never heard of such issue before

guess i am. :( thankfully, it's not too annoying, at least yet.

yeah i did, made me feel pretty stupid to realize it only had some muck inside it :lol: took me a while to try sticking a needle in there too
The jack on one of my new pedals got caught on the end of the patch cable and broke it off. So now there's the tip of a cable stuck in the pedal and I have to mail it back for repair.
I don't know if it was the pedal or cable to blame.
Only annoying because I don't want to be without the pedal for any length of time, it's awesome!
The jack on one of my new pedals got caught on the end of the patch cable and broke it off. So now there's the tip of a cable stuck in the pedal and I have to mail it back for repair.
I don't know if it was the pedal or cable to blame.
Only annoying because I don't want to be without the pedal for any length of time, it's awesome!

I had that happen at the studio I work at, only it was the end of an instrument cable inside the input jack of a vintage fender princeton. I just pulled the cable out like normal and the damn tip stayed in there. I think it might still be in there actually. It's in the channel we don't really use, but should get it taken out regardless.
LauraTickled.. She is everywhere !
I mean first off the whole "I gotta make video blogs about everything course im so interresting" trend is fucking awefull.

But here I was, enjoying the trailer for brilliant upcoming movie Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter.. when I look at the suggestion panel and see she even made a blog about that

And I think we all know why people click on her videos (heck the first time she popped up all I thought was "Oh Hai, boobs") granted her face is a mess and if its not a act she is borderline retarded
yeah she's positioned the camera as if her tits were part of her face. subtle...

people don't realize that it's youtube. youtube is on the internet. on the internet is also free porn. why the fuck would you waste time looking at an idiot who should wear a bag over her face instead of the real thing??

there should be a system on youtube that would stop suggesting you videos that are obviously shit and a waste of time. but there will never be.