My lower back hurts something wicked. Old war injury sustained while lifting a piano.
*Goes to reamp
*Accidentally buys 1/4 to FEMALE xlr because I was in a hurry
I sent my iPhone to repair cause the home button was failing and was still within the warranty, recieved a new one three days later, this should´ve been a random joy... Except the new one didn´t work. Didn´t charge at all, so I had to turn it back AGAIN.
Hey dude, out of curiosity, how did the button crap out? Mine goes all sticky and clicky every now and then and then "fixes" itself at some point. I still have a couple of months of warranty left, so I thought I might want to get it repaired even though it's working fine at the moment, but I don't like the idea of using some fifty-dollar Nokia for a couple of weeks. It's an iPhone 4.
sopulurn said:i sometimes have kinda the same problem, though i've had mine for like 15 months by now so i guess the warranty's up. need to check up on that
on the positive side, i had some problems with the headphone jack working very poorly. turns out, the jack had a ton of shit from my pocket inside it that couldn't be seen by looking inside itused a needle to take the stuff out and now it works great
The "free" warranty is 12 months AFAIK, if you bought extended Apple care it'll be more, if not you're out of luck.
Hahaha I remember you posting something about your headphone jack fucking up while doing backing tracks or something, I thought it was weird cause I'd never heard of such issue before
The jack on one of my new pedals got caught on the end of the patch cable and broke it off. So now there's the tip of a cable stuck in the pedal and I have to mail it back for repair.
I don't know if it was the pedal or cable to blame.
Only annoying because I don't want to be without the pedal for any length of time, it's awesome!