Your random annoyance of the day

People who sit under the speed limit. fuck.

and the fact that my best mate is moving to the other side of the country in 4 weeks. double fuck.
i'm in a REALLY terrible shape. just went bicycling, and after several kilometers i had to take a break. took a look at my heart rate and it was around 170, which isn't too far from my approximate maximum heart rate. is that normal for someone who's in an absolute shit shape like me?

haven't really done anything for a long time... but since yesterday i've started doing 4km walks everyday, probably longer as it gets easier, i really want and need to get more fit and healtier
Today's annoyance is that different years of Intel Mac Pros have different harddrive sockets. I'm getting four hours of sleep tonight after having to borrow a newer Mac Pro, copying 400 gb to a FW disc to then copy back onto an internal drive because the sockets didn't fit. I get to go home at 4 AM if this shit finally works, otherwise no sleep for me.

You can boot macs so they act like a big ass external hard drive. The fact that you didn't know this though, that surely would be a random annoyance of the day.

IIRC you hold apple+T on boot.
Wrote my programming assignment, got it working perfectly. Have to hand it in today and realise that it's not enough to work well, it has to function EXACTLY the same as the professor's program - warts and all. So I have to rewrite it, getting rid of any improvements and user-friendliness I've made. Fucking bullshit drone work.
Kind of works both ways though, doesn't it? Like not providing a record on time, at all?

Why do you feel the need to call me out no matter what I say in this forum, Jeff? Seriously.

You're one person here and you're a completely different person when talking to you one on one. Trying to impress some people or??
Lost out on a potential client recently because I didn't mail them back fast enough. A mastering engineer I know recommended both me and another guy to a band to work with. I was super busy and wanted to write them a comprehensive mail so waited a couple of days and wrote them back. They mailed me back a few days later saying they'd actually already booked in with the other guy before I'd contacted them.
i've got an m-audio axiom 25 midikeyboard, and i love it, but goddamn it 25 just aren't enough, especially now that i want to learn to play keyboard better. probably going to get a version with 49 keys instead, but i'm broke again :(
Not today but recently.

So I was out and on the hunt for a toilet. You know when you get it bad and you're about to explode, get the sweats and pains? Yeah like that. An hour of this goes on and I finally get to a clean toilet. I'm setting up and mentally preparing for the onslaught and . . . .

a long ass fart! That's it. Not even a wet one.
People who sit under the speed limit. fuck.
God FUCKING dammit, yes.
Traveling on the interstate today behind this dick who is deciding to do 5 under in the left fucking hand lane. On the phone.

Also, manners. It seems UNCC is infested by pigs.

NINJA EDIT: Also, bands who have shitty gear/not maintained gear, and bands who play music way out of their genre limitations with instruments not meant for it. IE, SG for brutal death metal. Doable? Yes. Advisable. NO.

SUPERNINJA EDIT: I accidentally a word.