Your random annoyance of the day

Realizing that you're not the problem, but that the other party's sense of egotism and insecurities are to blame. And then to watch that individual hide behind a self-image of false control, grandeur, passive-agression and illusion. That's just an opinion, though.

i've had a few friends like that in the past. just ditch 'em i say, more trouble than it's worth.
was winning a fitness-related bet with a friend a couple of days ago, but this morning it looked like i was losing. fuck.
i've had a few friends like that in the past. just ditch 'em i say, more trouble than it's worth.

I think the worst part is that this kid has had some serious issues with depression for the past 6 months, and dealt with it through drinking (often excessively, and sometimes driving on top of that) and smoking pot. For the past three or four months, his life has been work, home and Internet, his only interactions are with his parents and one friend. He's an extremely smart and talented person, one who I have immense respect for, but has issues with arrogance and accepting responsibility for his own actions; basically just incredibly immature on a level of cognitive ability and interpersonal skills for a guy in his mid-twenties. In addition to getting his meds adjusted, I hope he seeks counseling, he just has a childish way of dealing with his emotions as well as life in general :lol: Not to say that me ranting to this degree isn't childish or inappropriate, but it's necessary to get my feelings out on the matter.
I think the worst part is that this kid has had some serious issues with depression for the past 6 months, and dealt with it through drinking (often excessively, and sometimes driving on top of that) and smoking pot. For the past three or four months, his life has been work, home and Internet, his only interactions are with his parents and one friend. He's an extremely smart and talented person, one who I have immense respect for, but has issues with arrogance and accepting responsibility for his own actions; basically just incredibly immature on a level of cognitive ability and interpersonal skills for a guy in his mid-twenties. In addition to getting his meds adjusted, I hope he seeks counseling, he just has a childish way of dealing with his emotions as well as life in general :lol: Not to say that me ranting to this degree isn't childish or inappropriate, but it's necessary to get my feelings out on the matter.

i hear ya - i know people who're basically cut from that same wood but thankfully haven't got that far. well, at least when i last heard of them. at some point, i grew apart from people like that and we haven't kept in touch - best way to lose people like that i guess.

some people just feel the need to hold up a façade that gets tiring to look at when you know it's not actually who they are.
Buy a new printer. That's what I usually do.

it's sooo strange, my dad did this a few times, new printer (lexmark most of the time) with new ink cartridges cost like
75€, but if you have to refill it with the same, original lexmark cartridges it's going to be 80-90€...
I use refilled ones, for my printer, the original cartridges cost like 80€ (black and color ink, normal size) and due to
buying refilled ones, I only have to pay 30€ for black and color, extra large cartridges.

My gf is away since 8 days, she's coming back in 5 days, but our cat hates when she's away, so he's waking me
up at 6 in the morning, screaming for food, if I don't get up and feed him, he bites my feet and stuff, not like it hurts
or anything, but atm it would be ok for me to get up at 8 o'clock and he's just a litte dumbass atm...

92 earlier today :yow:
I'm getting a new guitar soon, and I could have bought it yesterday with PayPal but I was making a big deal about paying it all from my bank card, so I sent the remaining money from Paypal to my card. I then remembered that if theres not enough money on Paypal it just takes what's missing from your bank account directly. Now I have to wait another day or so to order it. FFFFUUUU...

I know it's only a day extra but when you're GASing for something time really can't go any slower.
3 year old son... we stayed up at his nan's last night, he's always up early there... 5am wake up, followed by cartoons... thankfully the cartoons were looney toons and I had a bottle of rockstar in the fridge...