Your random annoyance of the day

It seems you'll start smoking again :loco:

Just kidding, good luck dude.

About to head out and buy a 25g now, there's other times to quit, for now I need to stp myself from going insane hahahaha

edit: thanks for that by the way dude, been going insane and bawling my eyes out like a little girl for the last hour, that cheered me up massively :)
And if the girl has already got into "mom mode", hammer her with objective and sensible explanations of why it is a bad idea to keep this kid and don't give up. They can go crazy when they get to this point, I had the case once (hopefully it was a fake, she thought she was but she wasn't, I always use condoms and am careful as much as possible) and she was annoyingly crazy. Tell her you'll be with her for the abortion as much as possible, don't make her feel like she's alone in this, because an abortion is most of the time a bit - if not a lot - traumatizing and it would mean the world to her if she was helped in the process.
Hahahahahaha, I've already been through the whole rational talk thing and it's all being put in place for an abortion and stuff, it's just the worrying fact that she might turn around at the last minute and be all like "actually I do want this kid and there's not a damn thing you can do to stop me" 'cause it's not as if i can force a termination pill or whatever down her throat, either way, thanks guys :)
Hahahahahaha, I've already been through the whole rational talk thing and it's all being put in place for an abortion and stuff, it's just the worrying fact that she might turn around at the last minute and be all like "actually I do want this kid and there's not a damn thing you can do to stop me" 'cause it's not as if i can force a termination pill or whatever down her throat, either way, thanks guys :)

Coathanger. Rag her hole with it.. job done.
Good luck, dude! No matter how this pans out, in a couple of years from now on you'll think that it was fine the way it went :)
I actually knew a girl whose "bf" punched in the stomach for that reason, and it worked :/

Good to see you're taking it the right way ! Yeah, just check her hormones which have already changed a lot the minute she discovered she was pregnant are not dictating her her feelings towards that. Hopefully she will stay sensible and hopefully she'll take it easy on her side as well.

If ever a baby is born, love him still ! I have a friend who has a baby because her gf hid the fact she was pregnant (not officially but that's my friends and I's theory after calculating the dates and what she said...) until it was too late. Still, he loves him so much now, it took him say a year to actually endorse the role of a father. Just saying, if it happens, the baby didn't have a choice and deserves to be loved just as much as another one ! tl;dr : read post above

Anyway, hope it ends up quickly and well !
Well yeah iif she keeps it, it's not like i'm gonna throw it out a window and stuff, at the end of the day it'd be my kid hahahaha

Just told parents, and my mum looked like she was about to burst in to tears which was pretty shitty...... meanwhile my dad was like "yeah I knew you were gonna say that all day, I know the look that was on your face all too well from when I had to tell my mum your mum was up the duff" bahahaha (They had me when my mum was 17/dad was 15)

End of the day, it's all in the open now and there's shit all that I can really do about it, i'm more just crushed at the fact that everything i've worked for since I was nine years old (getting into a music uni, making something of myself in a city with an actual scene etc etc) could all be about to go down the pan. Shit happens I guess though