Your random annoyance of the day

No sleep for 36 hours and i took to much zinc so now i have a massive headache.

Smashed my piece of shit phone into bits and now I don't have a phone

Google Voice is the most horseshit pipe-dream ever fucking created and cannot be any more confusing or frustrating


I know the feeling.. 5-10 broken phones in 3 years over here.
Nothing makes me rage like a phone thats not working as it should!

I actually still have my old Sonim XP1300 thats completely smashed to bits. :lol:
we wanted to visit my gf's mother this weekend, needed to fuel the car, my gf
couldn't pay with her card (she has a week limit, even if she has loads of money
on her account) so I wanted to pay with mine.
Turns out, we had 20€ with us, my bank account is full (checked it via online
banking) but my card is broken.
So as a pawn for the money I had to give my driver's license to the gas station.
And now try to get money with a broken card, no bank counter in your area that
opens before monday and shit. At least we had some money left at home, so I
was able to get my money back.

But that's not all...Felt a bit ill yesterday, so we thought it would be better to not drive
to my gf's mom in switzerland and wait until today. Got even more ill, so my gf went
alone and I am feeling like shit, sitting at home and hating my fucking bank.
Had a similar problem with my card before, but I had zero money back than on my account
and they told me it was my fault, but now it can't be my fault, one of the cashpoints
even showed me that I had a few hundred bucks on my account, but I couldn't get any.
Sold a CD via Amazon marketplace. Now it has arrived fast but the case has a crack. Buyer wants me to send him a new case now. :(
Why don't you just put around a new one yourself? If I would always complain when a case has a crack....
spend 300$ on a plugin just to find out that it does not work anywhere close as i thought it would, FML

Which plugin?

Softube feedback plug was my one recently. I wish you could get refunds for shit like that, but they make it pretty clear in their terms that it's not possible.
Get up for work @5:45 am. Get there and them tell you that you need to not look so tired and be more perky.... wtf are you kidding me. I hate life. gtfo ahhhhhhhh!

Did a Indian R n' B mix & master last week. The guy bugged me to get it done fast, and I send him an mp3. Here I am 5 days later trying to get him to pay and he's ignoring me.

I'm mostly annoyed that I can't trust people to not rip me off. Guess I'm going to have to send partial master mp3 references and or watermark files.

Yeah, it's this bullshit reason I like to watermark audition mixes with me shouting "THIS IS... THE REMIX...." like a gangsta rapper with tape echo all over it.
Another annoyance is that I'm having a baby sometime minutes from now to two weeks. just waiting anxiously for weeks.

After 12hours of labor it's over.

Annoyance of the day - trying to keep up with a hyper 2.5yr old for 13 hours in a hospital. God sit still and relax for a minute kid.

I predict my annoyance of the day for the next several days/months will be having 2 adults, a newborn and a toddler that never sleeps during the day sharing a bedroom.
All four speakers of my new Triple XXX cabinet are fucked up.
The good news is that they can be repaired but I'm still pretty pissed.
Took a week off work to track my bands album.

Went up to my little studio space in the attic, turn the power button on, on my 4 month old music PC and nothing. Fail. Could be the PSU so its gotta go back to the shop........So annoyed
I'm officially on year 4 of my drummer search. Had a couple lined up but they all seemed to disappear off the face of the earth. I'm also looking for bands to record in the meantime but they're all flakes too. Even if I offer to do it for free, they always have better things to do like jack off or get shitfaced all the time.
Random annoyance? Mixing a crappy live recording. The band could barely play and after 1000 grid edits it sounds less than decent. Remind me to never record stupid festivals again.