I've seen guys charging something like $800 for a wordpress site with every functionality except creating and editing pages removed and a slightly modified free theme and I had my own really simple CMS made from scratch and was charging half of that plus a year of free support. This job is 60% how you market yourself. If you're not trying to rip peoples off you're not going to succeed.
My normal work is decently priced, I won't rip people but I am not a cheap little guy, I studied marketing and communications
have a diploma and am pretty decent at working wit Wordpress.
I am charging 60€ per hour (excluding 19% tax), that's a reasonable price in my area and it works ok and there are some nice
things coming up, due to that, I just don't want to take all the shit from that job I took a few months ago that is just killing me.
As a litte example:
I am building a website for a restaurant at the moment, it's a modified premium theme, looks nice, works well, customer gets two
accounts, one administration account, so he can edit everything or give it to someone else and one account that's stripped down.
With this account, he's only able to edit posts, pages and the menue (navigation and food

Designwise, you won't see that there's a bought theme running underneath, it's fully responsive, has a contact form, google map,
social plugins and so on, pretty easy to use (but you probably know this).
All in all, I spend around 15-20 hours setting it up from start to finish, so in the end it's somewhere between 1,1-1,5k€ including
tax for a running site including OnPage optimization and everything else needed.