Your random annoyance of the day

Bands that don't know how to not communicate like reptilian shape shifters.

Me: Hey just checking up on you guys and wanted to know if your band was still interested in getting some tracks done. My number is xxxxxxxx just shoot me a call and we can work out details.

Him: *Sends indistinguishable youtube video with only audio of band practicing* We might want to record this. How much?

The parcels of my new PC build arrived two days late (thanks to the delivery man who pretended he couldn't find my home, fucking cunt).
I love to pay extra bucks for express shipping when this happen.
One of the parcel was half open and slightly wet (the one containing all the sensible parts such as HDD's, motherboard and CPU...), the whole stuff was generally poorly packaged and the case came with several dings on one side despite being the only one properly packaged.

I am beyond pissed.
Man, that sucks big time.

Did you buy from Newegg though? Because if you did, they have really good return policies and such (from many comments I've read).
My mum got fired from her job too, and since she is now single, that's a major bummer. I'm lucky I earn big bucks cause I can help her in the future if/when she won't get unemployment benefits anymore.
Ah well it'll be fine, in 6 hours i'll be off to download festival for five days of drowning my sorrows in cider and maiden. Just gonna have to get back on monday and be back down the job centre.

If there was one thing I never wanted to do again it was sign on for job seekers allowance
Had the first actual rehearsal with my new band on Saturday, the bass player revealed himself to be a bigot and showed a complete lack of respect for everyone involved including the proprietor of the practice space. The rest of us fired his ass on the spot and he got all butthurt, threatening to "burn my name so I can't get shows anymore" and later posted a series of personal attacks against us on facebook. We laughed it off and sent him packing, since then we've written a couple new songs and were offered a show. Oh, and I forgot to mention that we replaced him less than an hour after this ordeal.
Outsourced edits for the first time in my life.





Sunday night in a foreign country fixing bad edits is NOT my idea of a vacation.

Editing is definitely more of an art than people make it out to be; making sure cymbal transients are preserved and being able to tune vocals without artifacts is really a learned process. It's not the slip editing hacking that people just starting out think it is.
Fuck, some evil spirit is doing shit in my studio recently :D
- First day of the session (booked for 12 days), 2 hours before the band is scheduled to arrive. My Audient ASP008 doesn't sync (WC/ADAT, master/slave, doesn't matter). The evening before, I checked all the gear and it still worked without a problem. I managed to get a second API3124+ for the drum sessions, though.
- Second day, drum recording. After about 3/4 of the songs, the Audix D6 (kick mic) stops working for no apparent reason. Of course, my Thomann warranty ended one month ago.
- Fourth day, guitar recording. The band checks different amps and cabinets, they forget to plug in the speaker cable, and my Dual Recti is dead.

The D6 is at the German Audix distributor, and will hopefully be repaired / swapped for free. The ASP008 is apparently defective, I have no warranty left and I have to send it in (UK). And the Dual Recti.. I don't even want to know how much it will cost the band to repair it and change the probably defective output transformer. Can this get any worse?
- Fourth day, guitar recording. The band checks different amps and cabinets, they forget to plug in the speaker cable, and my Dual Recti is dead.

Wär das nicht ein Fall für die Haftpflicht? Sowas ist in unserem alten Proberaum passiert und da hat die Versicherung direkt gezahlt.

Annoyance of the day - customers need to long to provide content for different webdesign projects - I am getting paid when the
project is finished, so I am broke at the moment.

At least I learned that for the next time I ask for 50% up front, 50% when finished...