Your Thoughts On Grindcore

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I fixed it for accuracy.

How about if you don't listen to real metal, you don't come on a real metal forum you little mallcore bitch.

yeah way to talk shit about me on a forum man...a real tough guy. I forgot to ask for your approval on my taste of music...since you are the official deicison maker on real metal. Quit being a douchebag just because i think grindcore is shitty and grow the fuck up.
Mathiäs;6803557 said:

You're a poser because you clearly have no idea what the fuck you're talking about. Faggot.


good job a faggot because i have an opinion you dont agree with. You forum assholes are so stuck up your own ass and think your opinion is right and everyone who disagrees is a "faggot". Look up opinion in the dictionary, and then shut the fuck up. This is a forum for talking about music...not who has the biggest pair of E-nuts...
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