YT: Match EQ and IR Tutorial!

As I Lay Dying's 'Decas' album has a really cool modern high gain tone, could be interesting to match for those who are into those kind of tones. ( check Electric Eye intro for example )

I just matched that tone, here tone demo.mp3

I didn't use that song though, I used War Ensemble as the guitar is really raw with no cymbal fade outs. I've found that if there is some cymbal fades it affects the tone in a bad way - too much high end.
I had a go at this last night. Got pretty close to a couple of tones and I had dead strings too lol. (I tried firewind Allegiance and Dream Evil BoHM albums)

It definitely works and it sounds great but in trying Dream Evil tones I noticed there was something missing, sounded like distortion and saturation, probably from hitting tape real hard or distorting greenbacks I dunno, the tone is close though and most people wouldn't notice a difference, my girlfriend didn't!

Could also be something to do with my playing though.

Thanks for the tutorial Clark, it's a cool way to get/compare tones
and it really helped me out, I'm probably going to have another go tonight! :kickass:
I had a go at this last night. Got pretty close to a couple of tones and I had dead strings too lol. (I tried firewind Allegiance and Dream Evil BoHM albums)

It definitely works and it sounds great but in trying Dream Evil tones I noticed there was something missing, sounded like distortion and saturation, probably from hitting tape real hard or distorting greenbacks I dunno, the tone is close though and most people wouldn't notice a difference, my girlfriend didn't!

Could also be something to do with my playing though.

Thanks for the tutorial Clark, it's a cool way to get/compare tones
and it really helped me out, I'm probably going to have another go tonight! :kickass:

Thanks for watching and enjoying!

There will be a difference in dynamics which is a part of the gain structure. F.ex. I love how high end Hughes & Kettner amps sound. (I also hate cheap H&K amps to death) But those amps have a very particular type of gain and attack. It's very harmonic and creamy. Kind of tight to play with but in the end it doesn't sound tight, always cuts in a mix in a hifi way. Anyways I used a Marshall for the match EQ process and the low end dynamics were just off. I used a Mesa and the high end was different. In the end I had to find the right combination of tube screamer and.... can't even remember what amp it was but I got the gain structure similar and then it was OK.

In the end the tone is SO MUCH alike that no one should really care after that. You know... won't make a difference in the end. Won't be the reason someone doesn't listen to your music. No one's gonna say: "man, I just HATE that the guitar sound like a H&K Triamp but the gain structure has something Mesa-esque going on. I just can't listen to it... " :lol:
"Anyways I used a Marshall for the match EQ process and the low end dynamics were just off. I used a Mesa and the high end was different. In the end I had to find the right combination of tube screamer and...."

This is exactly what I did! :lol: Come to think of it, I'm sure someone said (somewhere) that DE used a H&K on BoHM, or that might've just been the lead tone.

It is a great technique and using different guitars/amp modelers than the original is going to add a different flavour to it, which is in no way a bad thing. Your own sound and all that stuff.
i´d like to test this method to get the underoath 'define the great line' guitar tone but it´s impossible to get some raw guitar tones in that album...
someone knows if there are some guitar tracks for that album?
Hmm... I dunno. Everything I did with the Ozone 4 in the first video can be done with Ozone 5. The Ozone interface is different and that's not what the video was about. I've shown how I do it... if people really want to learn to do it, they don't need another tutorial. Not much has changed. Ozone 4 was 100% linear EQ matching which is perfect for this usage. Haven't noticed anything "better" in the Ozone 5 match EQ process so I suggest you get Ozone 4 for less money if it's just match EQing you want.
Watched the videos, great tutorial. I tested it out last night and recreated the tone from Murderdolls' second album really really easily just using Lecto and and a screamer. It was only the tiniest bit off in the distortion, but I bet if I knew what amp they used on the album I could get it 100%, I just threw Lecto on because I had no idea what they used :lol:

But yeah this is awesome, can't wait to try it out on some other stuff. It's also really cool because I can recreate tones from amps I've mic'ed up in the past that I don't have access to anymore. I never knew you could make impulses this way and I love all the stuff I'll be able to do with it now.

Thanks for doing these videos
Actually figured out how to do this, and in Ozone 5, not 4. :lol:

I don't know why I could get it before. But I copied the weird ass tone from Chelsea Grin's Desolation of Eden album.
Tried first with POD Farm and the copied tone was SO scratchy. So I used Amplitube and it worked fairly well.
Anyone have this weird situation where if you load an IR you just made into keFir, it sounds just like the Match EQ, but if you load it into LeCab 2 it sounds completely off? I'm getting that right now.
Yep. Lecab sounds all horrid, like a guitar DI but with some weird phasey issues going on.

And one impulse I made Voxengo Boogex seems to think is a reverb, and so makes this weird, shimmering, sweeping sound, where it plays the low frequencies several seconds before the high ones. It's quite a nice effect, I'm looking for somewhere to use it.
If I'm not using the TH2 for the IR then I'm using Voxengo Boogex. That one seems to work pretty well too.

And ofcourse if you use a good modeler your tone will sound better. The TH2 is probably the best modeler out there. The newest Amplitube is also good. I can't get proper metal tones out of Guitar Rig but the Marshalls rock.

TB100%H I haven't tried match EQing with LePou modelers but I know they are okay.
No problem. I almost bumped this thread myself but that would've been a bit tacky. I'm sure a lot of people will get useful information out of this thread so let's keep it up... Dunno if sticky-worthy? :D
AMAZING ! Thanks for sharing this EPIC info :kickass:

Wish i asked Th2 for Christmas now ! :goggly:

Just did one myself on Lamb of God Blacken the Cursed Sun, with lepou Lecto.

Used it on 4 guitar tracks (2 hard L, 2 hard R) then usual hp/lp and it was ready to go ! :muahaha:

Fucking awesome !

Now i'll go get somma dat Dimebag's mighty sound :muahaha:²
Thank you Clark, I've started matching-eq the hell out of my favourite metal songs since I watched your tutorial!
I'm using a real ENGL e530 preamp with great results
However, when a multitrack version is not available is tricky to find songs with some guitar-only section... why don't we share a list of songs suitable for this purpose? That would be nice.
A sort of a short .wav mono clips would be even better! (yes I'm lazy, I know!)
Sharing IRs directly it's not so useful unless everybody have the same guitar...with the same strings! :)

Regarding the Ozone 4 vs 5 discussion, I've noticed that the latency in version 5 is way lower, you can play almost in real time!
Is it given by a simplified and thus lower precision algorithm or it's only due to a greatly optimized code?
...or maybe I'm still missing something!
Anyway, I'll stay with version 4 for now.