2008 Forum Awards

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Except I give no hint to me being a hick, other than the fact that I'm from Texas. You, however, give me every reason to believe you have to wear a helmet every day you leave the house...

At least you're a Cowboys fan, though.
Actually I would got in trouble in Iraq for not wearing all the required body armor stuff just because I didn't give a shit....so no.
-Most Valuable Poster: Ozzman, he gives us all the interesting news stories and has started many of the epic debates on here

-Most Helpful: V5, he helped open my eyes to slam

-Funniest: I would say Stefan but he only posts on the bloodbath and nevermore forums so... Krig

-Best Newcomer: hmmm... not really sure on this one, i'll think it over

Misc. Award: hmm... JFAD
-Most Valuable Poster: Ozzman, he gives us all the interesting news stories and has started many of the epic debates on here

-Most Helpful: V5, he helped open my eyes to slam

-Funniest: I would say Stefan but he only posts on the bloodbath and nevermore forums so... Krig

-Best Newcomer: hmmm... not really sure on this one, i'll think it over

Misc. Award: hmm... JFAD

You have to PM cookiecutter your choices. Good game for not reading the first thread. Also, the MVP is for METAL READ THE GODDAMN THRESASD NEXT TIME HubguiaeuiogioeaguyaioygioyibiuUIAEBRGIUPBAWEBGUIOPUBQAEWRUIBAERGUIBOLBUIAQERG
Some more award ideas:

Nicest Poster: since these people generally make the forum a more pleasant place.

Best Female Poster: since there aren't that many here, and they make a unique contribution to the forum.

Most Interesting Personality: for the weird, creepy, or simply amusing members out there who generally make things more interesting when they're around (there's an obvious candidate for this, but I'll be good and not name anyone).

Most Metal: the one who is the most dedicated to the lifestyle, and virtually embodies metal culture
I did say don't bother suggesting more categories but I'll just explain why I didn't/won't include these categories so no one feels left out.

I didn't include Nicest/Friendliest because I thought it was the least interesting of the categories from last time, and it's something that enhances other characteristics rather than a good characteristic on its own. Remember, the misc. award is very open ended and if niceness is more important to you than it is for me, that's the place to nominate someone.

I don't think women deserve special treatment based on their womanhood, so I don't think they should get an award based on that alone.

Your idea for Most Interesting is pretty much what I had in mind for the Misc. category, I just wanted to leave it more open ended.

I don't think Most Metal is important enough to warrant a category. Again if you disagree, nominate someone for the Misc. category. When the polls come out feel free to discuss why you think your nominee should win. If it's based on their metalness that's fine.

EDIT: On a more practical note, adding another category would mean everyone who has already PMed me their nominations would have to do it again and frankly I don't feel like dealing with it. I hope you understand.

can I nominate someone for more than one thing?
Yes as Zeph said.

-Most Valuable Poster: Ozzman, he gives us all the interesting news stories and has started many of the epic debates on here

-Most Helpful: V5, he helped open my eyes to slam

-Funniest: I would say Stefan but he only posts on the bloodbath and nevermore forums so... Krig

-Best Newcomer: hmmm... not really sure on this one, i'll think it over

Misc. Award: hmm... JFAD
Come on man, read the first post.
You have to PM cookiecutter your choices. Good game for not reading the first thread. Also, the MVP is for METAL READ THE GODDAMN THRESASD NEXT TIME HubguiaeuiogioeaguyaioygioyibiuUIAEBRGIUPBAWEBGUIOPUBQAEWRUIBAERGUIBOLBUIAQERG

fuck, i read it almost to the end, bah. what is this like the 3rd time i've done some thing like this? :lol::lol:

So it seems like a lot of people want to do this again, and I had fun last year so it's happening. Here's how it's going to work.

Step 1 Nominations: For each category (see below) you can nominate up to 2 people. YOU MAY NOT NOMINATE YOURSELF. Please PM me the nominations*. Please read each individual category for the various restrictions. This should be a simple process.

Step 2 Polling: Each category will get a separate thread which will contain a poll. Each poll will contain the top five people with the most nominations. Again pretty simple.

-Most Valuable Poster: This is the person you think is the best overall poster. Nominate who you think contributes most positively to your experience here at UM.

-Most Helpful: At its heart, this board is for talking and learning about metal music. Nominate who you think is the most helpful person in that respect.

-Funniest: Nominate the person you think is the funniest.

-Best Newcomer: Similar to the MVP award, except this is restricted to people who have joined since October 2007. Please take care to only nominate those who have joined in that time span.

Misc. Award: Nominate someone who doesn't quite fit into the other categories, but you feel deserves some recognition.

This thread is for questions and comments, which I am open. If you have an idea that you think will make this process better, feel free to share it, but I have the right not to listen to you. Also, don't bother suggesting more categories. Five is enough to coordinate and I think the ones we have cover pretty much all we need.

*I am asking you to PM me the nominations so I can keep track of them better, and so that people's nominations are not swayed by who others have nominated.
Read what you said but am not bothering to PM the nominations so whatever.

MVP: hm...I would have to say V.V.V.V.V. He's occasionally funny, rarely obnoxious, usually on topic, almost always intelligent, and also with the excellent recs.
Most Helpful also goes to V.V.V.V.V. This is an unfair competition, though, as he's a mod with a near encyclopedic knowledge of almost every release by virtually every band ever.

Funniest: Onder brings the lulz, definitely. 2 or 3 times every year Xorv makes me soil myself, but that's not enough. Death Delirium might have won six months ago but he's stopped with the really horny drunken rants, unfortunately.

Best Newcomer: we need a list of candidates tbh. Trying to remember...I think Einharjer joined this year. If so he's my pick. If not then Whiskey Funeral.

Misc: gR was the runner up for most helpful, I should mention that. I also want to mention Whiskey Funeral and Blackmail for being the only female posters on here who legitimately contribute.
What the fuck. Go to hell. It's not hard to PM them or take a little time to look at who has joined recently. I also said two maximum per category. I am not counting that until you actually do it right and stop being an ass.
Sorry to get testy, but come on WAIF. A little effort would be nice.

Also I should add that you should not worry about what I will think of your nominations. I will record my opinion, but in my function as an organizer I will be completely unbiased.
Okay, sorry.
V.V.V.V.V. MVP and most helpful.
Onder for funniest.
Einherjar for best newcomer, if he's actually been here over a year then Whiskey Funeral. Or actually I guess both of them.
For misc, Blackmail and gR.
And I'm copying, pasting, and PMing this exact post to you, so don't get testy.