2008 Forum Awards

Problem is, you suffer from what is commonly known as being a "Dallas Cowboys fan". That's just a whole mess of points agin' ya from the git-go. Although the fact that you actually are from there helps a little...

Exactly... just like I can't hold anything against a Lakers fan from LA or a Yankees fan from New York... that's who you're supposed to root for.
However, an Eagles fan from anywhere is an asshole...
lol @ cookiecutter acting authoritarian over forum awards.

Hey man, if you don't want to deal with this, then don't do it, get somebody else to do it. If the majority of the board wants to have certain awards, you're not in a position to say "no, that award is unacceptable because [x]". Let somebody do it if it's too much to ask of you, despite the fact that you're the one who brought up the awards to begin with. You're being silly and I'm sure you'll realize this now that I've so astutely pointed out to you the absurdity with which you dealt with this situation.
If someone else wants to do them I am in no position to stop them, I'm just saying why I'm not doing them. For the ones I'm coordinating I just want people to follow some simple procedures to make my life a little easier.
If someone else wants to do them I am in no position to stop them, I'm just saying why I'm not doing them. For the ones I'm coordinating I just want people to follow some simple procedures to make my life a little easier.

Of course, that's completely understandable, Dodens is just allergic to other authorities on this board and this time he was silly. No matter.
If you think that than you're fucking stupid.

Look, "forum awards" are for the entire board. One person is not in a position to say "we're not having these awards", whether it's because he thinks they're redundant or he's too lazy to manage them. It's very simple. And if you took the tone of my post seriously, then you're dumb. But seriously, if it's too much god damn trouble, then somebody can make a thread in which we decide what other awards we're going to have and I'll fucking manage it myself.
I'm writing a paper on humanism and identitarianist ideoligies in Michael Ondaatje's Anil's Ghost atm if you want to be an incorrigible faggot about it.
If you think that than you're fucking stupid.

Look, "forum awards" are for the entire board. One person is not in a position to say "we're not having these awards", whether it's because he thinks they're redundant or he's too lazy to manage them. It's very simple. And if you took the tone of my post seriously, then you're dumb. But seriously, if it's too much god damn trouble, then somebody can make a thread in which we decide what other awards we're going to have and I'll fucking manage it myself.

...so you can also have some authority or why? I don't understand your attitude on this AT ALL. What's your problem with having five clear awards and tidy system and you want to make another fucking thread discussing what new awards will be decided and then another fucking award-threads done by YOU?! WHY? I think you're the one who's making a "god damn trouble" of this all.
I just suggested that I could do it if nobody else would, I didn't say that I wanted to do it. I actually don't want to, and I hope that somebody else would do it instead.

The only reason that I said anything was that it seems like almost everybody wants to have more than 5 awards, and I don't think it would be fair for one person to decide "these are the awards that we're going to have". If everybody is happy with having only 5 awards and wouldn't prefer that somebody else organize other awards, then I don't give a shit. I'm not looking for power, and I'm not looking for fucking awards. I'm just trying to point out to people that if they want more than 5 awards, they actually can, and they don't have to accept otherwise.
I think that there should be more award categories, and that they should be picked by the members, with the provision that more than one person has to want a category in order for it to be added. There should be a new thread specifically for this, and for figuring out who's going to handle it.

If no one else wanted to manage it, I'd even be willing to do it.