My issue is with politicians making decisions that are informed by their religious beliefs and hindering scientific progress in the process. I'm not saying all decisions informed by religious values are necessarily negative, but when it hinders progress because a politician feels like imposing their religiously informed morality on the rest of society, I take issue.
Beyond that, they can believe whatever they want to believe, just remain objective and don't assume the value set provided by your faith is universal.
There are a lot of real issues that get bogged down and hidden by unnecessary discussion of trivialities, but that isn't necessarily always the case and I don't think religion is chiefly responsible for any kind of distraction like that.
I think a lot of people are either uneducated, apathetic, or notably misinformed on a lot of issues. How you motivate three-hundred million people to do anything is beyond me, although kicking them all in the wallet simultaneously seems to get their attention.