2008 Political debate thread

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@Yas: I thought about the birth control thing while out mowing the lawn. :)
I went to a Catholic grade school for 1st thru 7th grade, so, although I knew masturbation wouldn't make me go blind (I'm still the only person in my family who doesn't wear glasses or contacts - lol) Sex without procreation wasn't being addressed at that time, due to the religious structure of the education program. We did get to see slides of ALL kinds of diseases, but it was abstinence that was taught instead of birth control. I had the birds/bees talk with both parents who were hardly timid about it at least 2 years before my class in school.

I went to a Catholic high school but I went to a public elementary school. I got the whole sex ed thing when I was in 6th grade if my memory serves me correctly. In school, we were made aware of the fact that abstinence is the surefire way to not have anything bad happen (I'm not disputing that at all), but methods of contraception were taught to us should we decide not to abstain. If it weren't for learning it in a controlled environment in school, everyone would've been picking up crap at the lunch table from their friends who heard from their older brother's girlfriend's neighbor that you can get pregnant from oral sex and that pulling out early is alright.
I went to a Catholic high school but I went to a public elementary school.

I have heard absolutely horrifying things about Catholic high school. My mom and aunt both attended one. During Christmas time, I was riding in the car with my aunt. She said the best way to turn your kids into atheists is to send them to Catholic school. I have actually heard two similar stories before. Haha:lol:
I've always wanted to become addicted to heroin. Not so much that i want to do heroin, but they actually have money to spend on it. So it's kind of a roundabout way to say i want money.

But i don't want to suck dick for money.

Ok, i've derailed this thread enough.
I've always wanted to become addicted to heroin. Not so much that i want to do heroin, but they actually have money to spend on it. So it's kind of a roundabout way to say i want money.

But i don't want to suck dick for money.

Thats why you need a girlfriend to get addicted to heroin along with you. You can make her suck the dick to get the cash....then you can both get fucked up and you can call her a whore.
That was an ex-friends M.O.
I have heard absolutely horrifying things about Catholic high school. My mom and aunt both attended one. During Christmas time, I was riding in the car with my aunt. She said the best way to turn your kids into atheists is to send them to Catholic school. I have actually heard two similar stories before. Haha:lol:

My mom went to a Catholic school also and she had similar horror stories also. I went to Catholic school because I had no other choice (it's a long story). The school I attended was surprisingly pretty liberal. Religious instructors there focused on New Testament Jesus, the kind, forgiving, accepting and loving leader as opposed to the Old Testament sort of God who brought destruction to all non-believers. We also studied other religions and compared them with Catholicism. It helped me appreciate other cultures and helped me develop a respect for Christianity in general. There were certain things I didn't agree with but it really wasn't a traumatizing experience.
Yeah, that doesn't sound that bad. There aren't any corporal punishment and knuckles being bloodied from sticks by pissed off nuns stories.:lol:

Since this is the political thread. Is anyone watching Dennis Kucinich introduce his bill calling for the impeachment of Bush on C-Span? It has been going on for a few hours now and he is making some very serious allegations against Bush. I have watched most of it so far. I can't help but feel all attempts at impeachment are futile..:erk:
Supposing everyone jumps on board and they proceed to impeach, they wouldn't finish their investigation before he leaves office anyway, so it's absolutely a waste of time. I'm more interested in the Obama vs McCain rhetoric.
I was paddled by my fourth grade teacher... didnt hurt a bit (long term), we loved her, she was a great teacher and taught me quickly not to use those new words I had picked up on the playground, I doubt a scolding with a "timeout" would have accomplished a thing.
Something like that happened to a kid in my middle school English class with the teacher. Except, instead of trying to paddle him, he tried to have sex with him.
Yeah I would imagine so.:lol: I have been searching for 30 minutes trying to find the news video, but it hasn't surfaced yet. The guy showed up at the kids birthday party and tried to get him alone in a room...:erk:

What exactly goes through your head in order to do that? Did he really think the parents would be fine with some horny, rugged red headed dude trying to have sex with their son..?
So whats up with independents ? I think everyone should vote for an independent just to jar the jackass/elephant crews jaws open.

My entire life I have wondered what Washington foresaw or proposed when he warned against going to a two party system.
Yeah I would imagine so.:lol: I have been searching for 30 minutes trying to find the news video, but it hasn't surfaced yet. The guy showed up at the kids birthday party and tried to get him alone in a room...:erk:

Well I had a 9th grade English teacher and a French teacher that I wish would have taken me alone into a bedroom...... SERIOUSLY !

Well I had a 9th grade English teacher and a French teacher that I wish would have taken me alone into a bedroom...... SERIOUSLY !


Me to! My 11/12th grade English teacher...:Smokedev:

Women like her are the reason why I have disproportionate forearm muscles!
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