2008 Political debate thread

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Yeah, that doesn't sound that bad. There aren't any corporal punishment and knuckles being bloodied from sticks by pissed off nuns stories.:lol:

We had plenty of clergy staff but they were really nice. They'd get pissed off if a student was being rude, late, etc. I managed to get through high school without ever getting detention.

Since this is the political thread. Is anyone watching Dennis Kucinich introduce his bill calling for the impeachment of Bush on C-Span? It has been going on for a few hours now and he is making some very serious allegations against Bush. I have watched most of it so far. I can't help but feel all attempts at impeachment are futile..:erk:

Dennis Kucinich has always struck me as a very quixotic person. I agreed with a lot of his ideas when he was running for president but he certainly lacked the charisma needed for the nomination. I don't think it's too far-fetched since the dems run Congress. It's definitely too little, too late though. Anyway, impeach just means to have charges brought against someone. There's no way Bush is getting kicked out of office because that would mean Cheney would be president :ill:.
What exactly goes through your head in order to do that? Did he really think the parents would be fine with some horny, rugged red headed dude trying to have sex with their son..?

Somehow I doubt ANYTHING even closely resembling a rational thought was going through his head.

Similarly, there seems to be a growing number(at least reported number) of cases involving female teachers nailing students. Every few months another cases just pops up. Sometimes I wonder just who the hell in keeping tabs on all these teachers. Clearly they're incapable of policing themselves.
I heard something on the Adam Carolla show the other day that was pretty fucking awesome. He was saying that the latest case, the teacher shouldn't be arrested because that kid is going to be masturbating to that for the next 15 years and would start jerkin' it once his hand healed from the damage of high fiving every guy in his school :lol:

But he actually has a decent point.... though i'm going to use discresion and not worry about going on for a paragraph about masturbation. :lol:
The funniest part of the all too common "female teacher having sex with male student" is that the people trying to prosecute it actually try to make the case that it will psychologically harm the kid for the rest of his life. The only harm that could possibly result is being one of the kids not having sex with the hot teacher twice your age. :lol:
yeah, I guess its still wrong though, as guys we would be pissed if a 30 something year old teacher was nailing our female classmates. Or as a father or mother. A teacher in our school got in trouble for it about 4 or 5 years after I graduated. Somehow we werent surprised after the fact. He was a middle school social teacher, who also ran the school plays, the best looking girls always got the parts and he seemed like a hound. By the time he got busted he had actually moved up to business adminstrater, we always said he had the Nepoleon complex.

last year at the school district I currently live some female teacher apparently went after one of the seniors offering head, he had turned 18. If he turned her in or just ran his mouth I dont know, the story was he turned her down. She was escorted off school property by the State Police just prior to graduation.

This stuff is nothing new, we had a young sub teacher when I was in 8th grade. At that time ('72) those super short mini skirts were in and many of the (hot) younger teachers also wore them. Well this one lady wore nothing underneath and had no problem showing herself. She eventually got caught with the phys ed coach doing the wild thing in the girls locker room. Bye Bye ! She was sweet too.

Gotta love a nymph but they are problematic.... LOL !

Now being how this is the political thread we need to find a way to tie Hillary into this conversation.............

POOR BILL.... "yo... you got to get it somewhere"... LOL
I honestly don't think a guy is going to be traumatized by a hot teacher having sex with him, no matter what. Mainly because guys are not being taken advantage of like an older dude taking advantage of a woman. There IS a very distinct difference between the two.
This is why male rape charges never stick. If the defendent is a woman that is.

As for Independent politics, I'm registered independent (since "none" isn't really an option) and typically I despise both the democrats and the republicans as bastions of shitspewing liars, but this time around I think Obama is actually passably decent. Which is a miracle.
Nope not traumatized, but I didnt say anything about that. Its simply the age barrier unless they are going to write the law one age for girls and another for boys. Even then its would still be against school policy. Also I think that might be cutting the girls kinda short, they can be well aware of what they are doing. In the case example I gave the girl that school teacher was fooling around with was not doing anything against her desires, they simply got caught, she didnt have a problem with it, the parents were traumatized. I remember some program I saw, where a then mature woman spoke of her first sexual experience being at 14 with her girlfriend and an older man in his thirties. She said it was her and her friend that instigated and pushed the whole thing and they were very well aware of what they were doing and wanted to do. She was just a regular girl BTW, not some messed up woman. Girls know damn well whats going on and in reality mature sexually and other ways much younger than boys. Its the prudes that make everything so dramatic as is always the case.
Well we cant pay for shit because we just spent the next hundred years worth of taxes on Iraq....... FUCK IRAQ !
Obama's programs too expensive!? Lets consult the chart:


It appears things where going to level off (From the late 90s internet boom I would guess.) Then notice From 2001 to 2008, an ~ 3.5 trillion dollar increase under GW. The highest, by a greater than large margin, jump since WW2. The kicker is, all of this debt wasn't even necessary. If radical Islamic terrorists wanted to kill us, they would have done it by now. Expensive, pointless war or expensive programs aimed at helping people... Quite a conundrum I must say...
Taxing the rich doesn't give us much more money. What is it, 1% of Americans are "rich"? What money are you going to take from them? They'd rather give their money to CPAs and lawyers to find loopholes in the tax codes than give it to the government. Higher taxes on the rich will not solve anything. Removing needless programs from the federal government, rather than adding more, can go a long way to reducing our taxes.
You will also notice those sharp cliffs were during the Regan/Bush Sr. years and then... well Georgie poo wanted to out do the best... and he did.

The leveling off was during the Clinton years and he did balance the budget. Pull out of Iraq tomorrow and it will level off imeadiately... unless the interest is too great now... which it is.

See the years from 45 -75... yeah, those are the years when this country was self sufficient, jobs and businesses were not being sold off to foreign interests and immigration was under control.

Then when it begins to jump, thats when shrewed "smart" business men were selling us down the creek and off shoreing the money they were stealing from Americans.

The goal isn't to reduce taxes Mark, the goal is to do something about the debt crisis. The rich may be 1%, but they have much more than 1% of the funds. Don't oversimplify the situation. And of course, that isn't the only solution. It is part of a bigger plan. I'm getting the feeling that a lot of the doubters just can't see past the fence.
Yeah, one of the biggest contributing factors to the depression was an uneven distribution of income. The rich, while obviously not comprising a significant percent of the population, had a huge percent of the money. That's not good.
Thats why we dont want to tax them but rather kill them and put all their assets toward the debt, this way they would not have to suffer barely being able to get by. Go to the "offshore" countries and remove their money from the banks.

Not that Im radical or anything. [I'd put a smiley face up but I'm aggravated enough to not be joking]
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