2008 Political debate thread

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In the sense that they're thinking about it, not at all. It's just land. All of their holy books say that the real treasures are not tangible. They overlook this. It is easier to point to a place and put a sign, make a shrine - probably ingrained in humanity from the start - the shrine making. We can't quantify the supernatural, so we build something physical to represent and quantify it.
I wonder why Jesse Jackson (And Sharpton for that matter) are still relevant. I mean, people actually listen to what they say.:erk:

I agree, but the videos I've seen of Obama in myriad speaking engagements has ol' Jesse sitting/standing immediately right of Obama. Again, we can raise the questions of his associations and what that may mean for the country should he be at its head come January.

If it is not Iran and Israel that bomb each other, it will be India and Pakistan. They scare me the most!

India and Pakistan have been at it in Kashmir for ages. I don't know that we really need to be overly concerned with their ongoing squabbles here. Iran has a complete madman at the helm with nukes in development. I would look at a pre-emptive by Israel to defend itself, particularly if support is lost from the West. Very explosive situation.
Ah, screw the Jews too ! I'm sick of their tired ass as well. As for picking up and moving where are they supposed to go ? DO NOT say the States. I wonder if Israel would be interested in some South Americans, its not like they would stay long but soon would be crossing some (any) border.

Seriously though the problem is others refuse to let them exist, oh tolerant ones. Without our protection they would be wiped from the face of the earth. Not that I would feel a thing BUT would it stop with Israel ? lets say if we great tolerant, complacient ones, eventually allowed a majority of Arabic population in this country would they be happy being "Americans" or continue along as they always have ? Sure, it would most likely never happen but I do care about who my neighbors are and what evil lurks inside their fucked up brains. Their vast wealth has now allowed them alot of ownership of former American business's, something I am suprised was legal to sell to ANY foreign interests in the first place. I suppose that was better then maintaining American ownership with a work force of organized American labor forces, because as we know the Unions had to go, that is unless we are talking about school teachers and their part time job... which doesnt pay them NEARLY enough {the only underpaid and overworked individuals in the States... excluding "minorities"}

what a frigin mess, those of us that have been watching this all go down for quite a few decades now, knew it would come to a head and bite us in the ass... not that Im saying we're having a economic crisis, there is always a pair of shades lying around somewhere we can put on and pretend the futures bright. Just keep flooding the country, its all gonna be alright.
Hehe, that's not what I was implying by the smartass eyeroll, just the obvious contradiction between two things you've said, but anyways.

Well this was the main gathering place of this local group. This took place during the 70's. Their mother actually thought she was a witch, casting spells and all. They would hold their rituals with the children of the members sitting in a circle, pretty bizarre behavior if you ask me. As for being misfits, I would say this was not the case, the mother was a good looking woman, with a good job, the daughters were beautiful but with a bit of insecurity that I would imagine came from trying to believe in "witches" in a world that really does not. So if they were not born as misfits, they certainly lived in their own secret little world of confusion as others children lived exempt of this train of thought. I see nothing positive about these beliefs as I do all other radical or intence forms of "religion". I have never understood why people seem to need these things.
Give Israel six days, and they'll own the Middle East. Granted, it's no longer 1967, but they still posess the mightiest army in the region. Removing support from the West may put their backs against the wall and create a similar scenario to 1967. Israel will take the steps needed to protect Israel.

Back to Obama, the new campaign from PAC Our Country Deserves Better has an intersting new commercial out. You can see it on CBS News' website.

And Newt has an intersting take from his crystal ball if we do have a Dem Executive paired with a Dem Legislature. Check it out.
I dont know if I agree with all those ideas. They still revolve around American workers being forced to compete with the low wages of third world countries, yet be able to afford to live in America. Creating jobs sounds impressive but why get out of bed to go to a job that will take two weeks pay just to cover the gas money, the third week to cover the expence of a car and insurance and what shall we decide to do with the fourth weeks pay ? Eat ? Pay rent or mortgage ? Maybe the utility bills ? Small business's pay "competitive wages" yet when you call to see what their "competitive wages" are you find they are competing with welfare.

Shit, the insurance companies with all the mandated insurances that have cropped up over the past decade or so end up with more money from a workers paycheck at the end of the month than the workers. Yet no one wants to attack and stop these people because for some fucking reason that would mean "more government", why ? Because our government waffles and boondoggles in long drawn out affairs in determining what a crook is. Why ? Because alot of industry has been developed in this country being a scheming crook and we cant send those people to the unemployment lines either.

As long as twenty years ago if not earlier a big political issue was law suits and how they were hurting the insurance industry, so the industry just passed it along to the workforce, raising mandatory coverage and their rates, raising workers comp and lobbying to mandate other insurances. Then our judicial system continued to award people more money than they could have possibly made in a life time, not to mention the percentage of that that went to lawyers. Health care costs went through the roof as they realized they too could cash in on this new found insurance money... now its a big friggin mess. All the problems developed from this form of capitalistic greed have been fronted directly through the paychecks of workers and profits from business's. In the case of large corporations it never hurt the wages of the managers or executives, in the case of small business's it made it hard to even start up let alone keep going, so walla... more reason for low wages.

Now they talk about removing capital gains tax, Im sure China doesnt need it... yet, thanks to low wages and little environmental or living condition concern. But how much of this countries tax take comes from capital gains and how will our government make up for the losses ? The work forces "capitol gains" ? Cutting programs ? Makes me think of all the hype about how income taxes have not been raised the past 20 years, yet school and county taxes and assesments went through the roof. Why ? Because government cut school and municipality aid and left them to find the money on their own. How did they do this ? You tell me

During the debate last night, mention was made about NYC tightening their spending, some of this might come from their own governmental fat but most of it will come by cutting municipality construction and infrastructure work that will put more people on the unemployment line. As far as I have seen the infrastructure of this country is in rapid deterioration and cant keep up with our insanely booming population growth and massive shipping/trucking of imported products for the great consumer nation. Oh yeah, then we need to find work for this booming population. Excuse me but Jesus Christ its like we are deer in the headlights... DUH!

With all this, at the end of the day, week, month, year, decade there is no lack of money in this country... its just who has it and how they got it.
paranoid much? :lol: Reminds me of that old Tom Hanks flick The Burbs ;)

I dont think Im paranoid, I believe people have an agenda, I question the agenda of people from the middle east, I believe they are strongly united in their feelings on how the world should be and whos "superior", given what I have seen of their behavior during my life, I dont believe they have a positive agenda that fits in with mine or the country. It doesnt seem to me that they accept our culture or make efforts at adapting. I honestly dont know why they come here, hated as we are.
Yet what is with their outwardly seemingly bad attitude or arrogance ? Then as proven in the past no one knows who goes home at night and puts their little ninga outfit on...... lol
Those were both pretty funny...McCain was funnier for sure (I was surprised at how poor Obama's delivery was), it's nice to see them have a chance to act human for a change.
Yeah, McCain had some pretty good material as well...whoever wrote that stuff did a good job. Nice to see this for a change instead of all the stale partisan BS that goes on during a campaign :)


The constant bitching on both sides is really what put me off of this whole election. Nothing new, I suppose, but it would have been nice to see this kind of approach a lot more.
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