2008 Political debate thread

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Yeah, I think so. The reptilian people control the republicans. Mitt Romney human? Please...

The democrats are actually just giant vagina's in disguise. Which makes perfect sense, too.
So McCain has supported Bush so much in the past and it seems many wrong decisions have been made there as well and Im not just talking abour Iraq, Im talking about all the things that were ignored. Besides Iraq I didnt see any hard lines being drawn. So then we could also ask whos behind McCain ? What differences is he going to make ? Not that I think Obama is going to make any difference either, its a big ship to turn... our government and great maniputators, never mind the stupid path we took for the past 30 years.

Most any mature adults I have spoken to about this election have all voluntarily said we were given a big pile of shit to vote for this time. The consensus was pretty much the same last two times around as well.
The democrats belong to the pussiest of the pussy species, the Vaginoids. All of the Monistat and cream in the world couldn't cure their problems.
McCain has a solid political career. Obama came out of nowhere and we know little about him. And the media won't press him on any of his light answers.

I don't know about "solid" and "We know little about Obama". Visited his campaign website and clicked whatever link goes to the platform page? Or watch debates, speeches. McCain has a longer political career. I don't think I would say that it is one with a better track record or even that it is one of note.
I think it's funny that you think he's a common layman. You probably think he's Joe the brokeass plumber, working hard for America and to feed his family. He's actually a contractor in a big company, hence his question: What about me? I make more than $250,000. Obama's response was absolutely correct and consistent with his policy.

But of course one cannot expect the public to be intelligent in any way.
The thing is, Obama explained his tax plan to Joe, and Joe then admitted that his taxes would in fact NOT be raised. In lieu of this, for McCain to still be using Joe the "plumber" as a political fulcrum is ridiculous.

No tax raise for Joe

Even though it emerged that "Joe" does not have a licence to operate as a plumber, is behind on his taxes, and would actually enjoy a tax cut of about $500 under the Democrat's plans, because his real income is much lower than he claimed, Mr Wurzelbacher is still being courted by the Republicans.
McCain is too old...he's had cancer numerous time...leaving the far too frightening idea of the hockey MILF in charge of it all. McCain blew it in the debates...far too smug and not specific enough.
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