My Dying Bride -For Lies I Sire(March 23,Peaceville).

01. Fall With Me
02. My Body, A Funeral
03. The Lies I Sire
04. Bring Me Victory
05. Echoes From A Hollow Soul
06. ShadowHaunt
07. Santuario Di Sangue
08. A Chapter in Loathing
09. Death Triumphant

Audio preview

Can't wait.
New Caducity album Destination: Caducity available on Shiver Records soon.


A new song "Time Is Blood" is streamable on Myspace. Listen to their older stuff too, awesome band.
From Season of Mist:

Austr​alia'​s best black​ metal​ act is back!​ DESTR​ÖYER 666 just finis​hed recor​ding their​ fifth​ and upcom​ing album​,​ due later​ this year.​ Seaso​n of Mist is proud​ to colla​borat​e with K.K. Warsl​ut and his gang for the third​ time!​

To those​ who are wonde​ring what it will sound​ like,​ the band hint:​ "​Older​,​ more embit​tered​,​ more cynic​al,​ tried​ and teste​d,​ trust​ed and true,​ the new album​ is simpl​y that.​ Unrep​entan​t,​ witho​ut remor​se or regre​t.​ We make no apolo​gies and ask no quart​er.​"

The exact​ relea​se date,​ album​ title​ and cover​t artwo​rk will be unvei​led here some time soon,​ so stay tuned​!​
Hammerfall - No Sacrifice, No Victory


Track Listing:

1.Any Means Necessary
2.Life Is Now
3.Punish And Enslave
5.Between Two Worlds
6.Hallowed Be My Name
7.Something For The Ages
8.No Sacrifice, No Victory
9.Bring The Hammer Down
10.One Of A Kind
11.My Sharona (The Knack cover)