Oh Holy Shit,

i know u gotta be down fer
Lamb Of God.

That shits old school, and they get darker every year.

It's gonna be a great album, and I know this because I am god

Dont bitch.

I got frosted flakes.. :|
Mournful Congregation - The June Frost (Funeral Doom Metal; Weird Truth) - January 20, 2009

I've never been this pumped for an upcoming album. The Monad of Creation is one of my favorite albums of all time.
Blut Aus Nord - Memoria Vetusta II: Dialogue with the Stars (Black Metal) - 9 Feb 2009.

If it's remotely as good as Memoria Vetusta I, it will be something to behold.

Also I am looking forward to new releases by Gorgoroth, Thorns, Pestilence, Psyopus, Absu, Anaal Nathrakh, Suffocation, Virgin Black, Amorphis, Insomnium, Agalloch, Diablo Swing Orchestra and The Axis of Perdition.
Yeah shit the new Pestilence.

EDIT: Here's a recording of a drumtrack taken from their official. I'm really really curious about how it turns out because, TBQH, I even love Spheres.

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Blut Aus Nord - Memoria Vetusta II: Dialogue with the Stars (Black Metal) - 9 Feb 2009.

If it's remotely as good as Memoria Vetusta I, it will be something to behold.

This I want to hear, though probably not for the same reason. If this album is a return to old style, it would clearly condradict Vlad's philosophy of evolution.
To be fair, however, BAN originally had a track purported to be from Odinist on their Myspace that really DID sound like a return to that old kind of sound. It wasn't used on Odinist. Confronted by our very own genocide roach/Ryan in an interview, Vindsval stated "Don’t worry, this track will be released on another project, in fact we have too much material and that’s not always easy to organize our work, haha." He said it won't be on MVII but it will be on another project. A couple sources including himself in that interview claim there will be a new The Eye album.
Interesting, so it would go on a different path I guess.

Edit: Just read the interview and fuck, where's that lighteater EP he's talking about? I guess we'll just have to wait longer for a new album.