Yeah really, i'm not joking.

He isn't joking, I have it too.

I gave it one listen, was pretty good, but right now Enemy Of God wins, though once I have listened to it multiple times, I'll tell you what I think of it :p

Good shit though.
Well lookie here...

Season of Mist said:
Here'​s somet​hing black​ metal​ fans have been yearn​ing for for ages.​.​.​

When the MAYHE​M'​s cult miles​tone "De Myste​riis Dom Satha​nas"​ was relea​sed in 1994,​ its maste​rmind​ Euron​ymous​ was not able to witne​ss this album​ becom​e the singl​e most impor​tant relea​se of the Norwe​gian Black​ Metal​ scene​,​ as he had been kille​d by Varg Viker​nes (​BURZU​M)​ soon befor​e.​ Viker​nes had playe​d bass on the recor​d but for obvio​us reaso​ns his role was dimin​ished​ by reduc​ing the level​ of bass in the final​ mix.

An impor​tant aspec​t of the album​'​s outst​andin​g signi​fican​ce is the enigm​atic and occul​t vocal​ perfo​rmanc​e of Attil​a Csiha​r.​ Howev​er,​ all that the Hunga​rian ever recei​ved for his essen​tial contr​ibuti​on to "De Myste​riis Dom Satha​nas"​ was a perso​nally​ made copy of its rough​ mix, featu​ring the origi​nal bass sound​ as it was inten​ded to be.

Now Attil​a share​s his treas​ure with true MAYHE​M fans by relea​sing the demo versi​on in this speci​al,​ 3000 copy limit​ed A5 digip​ack entit​led "​Life Etern​al"​,​ inclu​ding his very own liner​ notes​ and previ​ously​ unsee​n pictu​res.​

You can pre-​order​ this untou​ched black​ diamo​nd on Seaso​n of Mist'​s e-​shop for 27€. The good news is that you can get shipp​ing for free if your order​ reach​es 30€!

Purch​ase it here:​ http:​/​/​e-​shop.​seaso​n-​of-​mist.​com/​infoA​rticl​e.​php?​id_​artic​le=​19374​
I was just listening to DMDS in the car today, and wishing the bass was at its original volume. Strange. I want it, but I also do not want to pay 44 fucking dollars.
Ne Obliviscaris have a full length on the way which was supposed to be released in 2008 but it looks more like 2009. Considering that I rated their debut EP by far and away the best album of 2007, I have some fucking high hopes for this one.
Grave Digger - Ballads Of A Hangman - January 9th, 2009


Track Listing:

1.The Gallows Pole
2.Ballad of a Hangman
3.Hell of Disillusion
4.Sorrow of the Dead
5.Grave of the Addicted
6.Lonely the Innocent Dies
7.Into the War
8.The Shadow of Your Soul
9.Funeral for a Fallen Angel

I can't wait for this, Grave Digger is one of the few consistent bands IMO.
I was just listening to DMDS in the car today, and wishing the bass was at its original volume. Strange. I want it, but I also do not want to pay 44 fucking dollars.

the bass always sounded pretty clear to me.
I don't any dates or anything but I know Iron Maiden and Dream Theater are coming out with new material in '09. :worship:

This both excites me and angers me. I know the new label pressure is why DT is releasing albums so quickly yet as much as I want to hear new DT, I know its not going to be anything groundbreaking. I think they need to take like several years off and put out another masterpiece in like 2012 or something.


3.Work to Rule
4.On the Brink of Extinction
5.Time Waits for No Slave
6.Life and Limb
7.Downbeat Clique
8.Fallacy Dominion
9.Passive Tense
10.Larceny of the Heart
11.Procrastination on the Empty Vessel
12.Feeling Redundant
13.A No-Sided Argument
14.De-Evolution Ad Nauseum
Russian black metal band Walknut mentioned in an interview that they're planning to record a new album, which is tentatively titled The Knot of the Dead, and that it will most likely see the light of day in 2009. "Don't expect any style changes," is how they described it, which is perfectly fine by me.
Oh, and the new Dark Tribe album will be called Archaic Visions and it will be released by Black Hate in early 2009.
Iron Fire - To The Grave - January 9th, 2009


Track Listing:
1.The Beast From The Blackness
2.Kill For Metal
3.The Demon Master
4.Cover The Sun
5.To The Grave
6.March Of The Immortals
7.The Kingdom
8.Frozen In Time
9.Hail To Odin
10.Doom Riders
11.Ghost Of Vengeance
12.The Battlefield​
Russian black metal band Walknut mentioned in an interview that they're planning to record a new album, which is tentatively titled The Knot of the Dead, and that it will most likely see the light of day in 2009. "Don't expect any style changes," is how they described it, which is perfectly fine by me.
