A Matter Of Life And Death - thoughts?

For the Greater Good of God reminds me of Brave new world heaps, possibly because it has a similar sounding verse/chorus
Yes, "for the greater good of god" repeat x 12 :) I still think it's an awesome song, nicely written!
Regarding Bruce's vocals being subpar, remember that apparently 80% of the vocals on the album are from the rehearsal recordings and they liked the feel of them so didn't feel the need to record them again. I think they liked that they sounded a bit more raw, but with feeling. Couple this with the album not being mastered, and he won't be sounding as good as on a Roy Z produced album, or the Maiden of old. I don't have a problem with the vocals though, but then I didn't on DoD either, except them being a little low in the mix, but that wasn't the performance.
picked it up yesterday and have listened it a couple of times, but only up to about the halfway point so far.

i'm digging. I agree with the comments above that the songwriting style is closer to the XFactor... which is just fine by me. It's nice to see the old combination of Smith/Harris/Dickinson in the songwriting credits... I suppose that's been on the last couple of albums as well, but it just struck me as I was looking at the booklet just now.

So far this seems like a nice return to form, after DoD, which i was a bit disappointed by.
I found that interesting on the DVD, that most of the songs came about with a Smith/Harris jam (or Steve tweaking some of Adrian's riff ideas), and Harris or Dickinson put lyrics to it. After many listens, I have had a few good listens with the lyrics, and it has made me enjoy some of Bruce's war stuff much more. Powerful stuff.

I am also loving that two of my favourite aspects of the album came from Janick (The Legacy and riffs in The Pilgrim). Underated songwriter IMO.
Listening to the album again now. My current thought is that For the Greater Good of God is an awesome song.
I've listened to the album about seven times now and I'm liking it more and more.

I think they've done a great job. I think this album is definitely the strongest overall of the three they've done with the reunited line up. It's a very consistent album. The only track that isn't doing much for me is Out Of The Shadows, otherwise every song is good. The Legacy is great, cool changes and a big sound with an interesting intro. I could write about every song, but instead I'll just say I think this is a great album, though it does take a while to appreciate. I think I'll be listening to this one a lot more than DOD, even though I liked that album too.

I listened to it all day at work on Thursday.

You know how much I love to make extreme statements, so I'll make another one: I think it's their best album.
Spiff said:
I think it's their best album.

Y'know, I think I'm tending towards that way too. I don't think there are any "classic" songs on it like Hallowed, or The Trooper, byt then again I haven't thought there's been one of those on any album since Seventh Son.
PIV Bassman said:
The only track that isn't doing much for me is Out Of The Shadows, otherwise every song is good.
Yeah I am not real into it compared with other songs as well. I don't like how the melody sounds like Tears Of The Dragon.
phlogiston said:
I don't think there are any "classic" songs on it like Hallowed, or The Trooper, byt then again I haven't thought there's been one of those on any album since Seventh Son.
Really? I would rate songs like The Wicker Man, Paschendale, The Sign Of The Cross, The Clansman, Fear Of The Dark etc as in the same league. I love Man On The Edge with Bruce on vocals as well.
Nah, I've always thought The Clansman was a bit overrated. A thumpin' good song, but not the classic that everone keeps making it out to be, at least, not in the same league the Number of the Beast and Two Minutes. Same as The Wicker Man and the others.

I was wrong about Fear Of The Dark though; Blitz was right to pick me up on that one. Classic through and through, especially the live version.
I havent even made my way through the entire album but its kicking my ass! I sat down with a beer at 12pm yesterday and watched the DVD which makes interesting viewing. Still havent finished watching the entire making of though, struggling for spare time atm.

AMOLAD is very strong, very flowing album. It brings the spirit us old timers love about the Maiden sound to present day, along with a more progressive and mellower and melodic finish but still with plenty of grunt inbetween.

After taking a huge break from following Maiden after the dive they took in my mind beyond SSOASS the BNW comeback won my faith back - albeit a slow process, accepting the new laid back sound of Maiden.

Overall they've renewed my interest in them. I had skipped DOD (becuase it took sometime for BNW to click with me but its not all Maidens fault, some of it was to do with changes in my life too) but I just bought a copy today along with No Prayer and I picked up Fear of the Dark last week too. Maybe one day I'll brave the Blaze stuff but it might be a while yet before I'm that game!
I love the way he soars on Man On The Edge, it even sounds like it was written more for him than Blaze, but for the rest of the album, Blaze is the man. I prefer him on Sign Of The Cross and Lord Of The Flies, and love him on songs like The Edge Of Darkness and 2am. Great album. :rock:
Blitzkrieg said:
Regarding Bruce's vocals being subpar, remember that apparently 80% of the vocals on the album are from the rehearsal recordings and they liked the feel of them so didn't feel the need to record them again. I think they liked that they sounded a bit more raw, but with feeling. Couple this with the album not being mastered, and he won't be sounding as good as on a Roy Z produced album, or the Maiden of old. I don't have a problem with the vocals though, but then I didn't on DoD either, except them being a little low in the mix, but that wasn't the performance.

Ah, i see, that's interesting.. Big call to make to not re-record them!! would've been interesting having it recorded 'properly' as such, but hey.

I agree about the X-Factor and Blaze - it was a dark album, and Blaze suited it nicely.
One of my Favourite parts in the album is at about 6.05 on FTGGOG, from then on until the end is gold :rock: