A new Toxic Grind Machine song, INCLUDING vocals and a complete song this time!

Holy shit, the section at like 3:40 (something about "so beautiful until you tasted blood") absolutely takes the song to another level - I love it up till then, but man does that section rule (especially the synth stuff under the clean vox when the section first starts).

Easily my favorite part of the song as well!

I have contacted Dave Otero from this forum to see if we can find a option to re-amp these tracks once it's close to being finished.. I have one other re-amp option i might have to check into as well, but i think it will be Dave's amp that will replace those POD tracks.

Bass = Splatt88 on future tracks.

Drums will probably remain the same.. allthough i will randomize and nudge a bit, and try some different samples and shit.

Cheers for the reactions everyone! :kickass:
Easily my favorite part of the song as well!

I have contacted Dave Otero from this forum to see if we can find a option to re-amp these tracks once it's close to being finished.. I have one other re-amp option i might have to check into as well, but i think it will be Dave's amp that will replace those POD tracks.

Bass = Splatt88 on future tracks.

Drums will probably remain the same.. allthough i will randomize and nudge a bit, and try some different samples and shit.

Cheers for the reactions everyone! :kickass:


Dave O + TGM = :worship:
Holy shit, the section at like 3:40 (something about "so beautiful until you tasted blood") absolutely takes the song to another level - I love it up till then, but man does that section rule (especially the synth stuff under the clean vox when the section first starts). Why the hell is this even in the "Rate my Mix/Tone" section anyway!? What bad could anyone possibly say about it?

I think i realy liked the song except this part you mentioned :lol:
Man, those drums are so fucking punchy. Bob, you never cease to amaze me with your writing. You truly are a god among men as far as Metal is concerned \m/
What the hell?

Is it just me or does it seem like Bob needs to have his own forum?

Amazing. Amazing. Effing Amazing.

Sometimes I cant help wondering if Bob and Andy might just be split personalities.
I wish Andy was my dad!

Uhm.. anyway, thanks for the comments dudes... i'll upload some stuff in a few hours.. i always save everything of every song and make pics of it, might as well share some stuff on this forum:

POD XT Patch
Guitar track settings
Guitar settings
Kick samples
Snare samples
Kick settings
Snare settings
Drum group settings
EZ snare settings
Snare FX settings
Reason bass settings
Master track settings

First i got to get to work, will update in about 4-5 hours or so.

I wish Andy was my dad!

Uhm.. anyway, thanks for the comments dudes... i'll upload some stuff in a few hours.. i always save everything of every song and make pics of it, might as well share some stuff on this forum:

POD XT Patch
Guitar track settings
Guitar settings
Kick samples
Snare samples
Kick settings
Snare settings
Drum group settings
EZ snare settings
Snare FX settings
Reason bass settings
Master track settings

First i got to get to work, will update in about 4-5 hours or so.


Dude, give us all them, and I'll give you all the Breast Vain Porn you want :p
I wish Andy was my dad!

Uhm.. anyway, thanks for the comments dudes... i'll upload some stuff in a few hours.. i always save everything of every song and make pics of it, might as well share some stuff on this forum:

POD XT Patch
Guitar track settings
Guitar settings
Kick samples
Snare samples
Kick settings
Snare settings
Drum group settings
EZ snare settings
Snare FX settings
Reason bass settings
Master track settings

First i got to get to work, will update in about 4-5 hours or so.


Dude that would be AMAZING! You are the man.

edit: ok so I see you already posted. I change my statement to:

Dude that is AMAZING! You are the man.

And there should be a religion to cult you for sharing ALL the settings :worship:

Haha.. well, it's just a inside look at my settings, that is all.. you could copy paste everything exactly like in the pics, but you will probably never get the same sound due to different hardware, recordings, etc.

My way of saying thanks to all who helped me and others, this forum always has been great for tips and tricks and sharing, i would like to continue that! :kickass:
[UEAK]Clowd;7512438 said:

not to be greedy or ungrateful or etc, but could you post the vocal settings too?? lol

Shit.. i had this in my post before the edit..
But basically, i did not do the vocals, i did not record them or process them.. all i did is import them and mix them in the song.
okay, yeah dude, i mixed the vox, i will be happy to post the vox settings,r igt now i'm a ;iytte past sober so i'll wait til tjhen. yeah, get back to you tomrr0w, blame the vdaka haha
okay, yeah dude, i mixed the vox, i will be happy to post the vox settings,r igt now i'm a ;iytte past sober so i'll wait til tjhen. yeah, get back to you tomrr0w, blame the vdaka haha

Awesome, thanks man. Much appreciated.

by the way, I have listened to this song so many times today and I have decided that it should be in the dictionary next to "Epic."