I must utterly suck haha
Even though i studied your pictures almost religiously...i can get a sound nowhere near as good
I run your setting through my pod and set up the same signal chain (save for the blockfish - $$$ is tight at the mo haha) and it just so 2d.. not in your face like your awesome mix

I have had that song in my head all week

would love to get the lyrics up for it? and any of your valuable wisdom onto making the tracks have so much punch. I must be messing something up with the master track and oh's on drums and stuff.
PS see on your pictures there are some plugins turned off... were they still used in the final mix or just experimentation? If you could find the time to answer any of these things i would be VERY appreciative!
I tell you something that really has me baffled.. and thats the appearance of tonic on the guitar and master tracks?!?!?!
*hums chorus*