Agalloch Merchandise

Find the Empyrium thread here, or read my reviews. Depends really on whether you want Bergtatt or Kveldssanger. :grin:

No Empyrium threadjacking allowed! They have their own thread. :grin:
The Gray Ep can now be bought at
I just ordered 2 copies + Into eternity's new album (thanks Royalcarnage) and the new Hypocrisy.
Tranquillian said:
The Gray Ep can now be bought at
I just ordered 2 copies + Into eternity's new album (thanks Royalcarnage) and the new Hypocrisy.
agh, you had to post this and then i had to read it... i couldn't help myself i had to buy it :hypno: goddamn i'm poor and might be homeless soon but dammit i will have good music :hotjump:
From the liner notes on the hinge of the EP:

"The first installment of two companion releases for Vendlus Records. The Grey EP completes a trilogy of releases which include 'The Mantle' and 'Tomorrow Will Never Come'.

I bet the next release will be the split with Nest.

@Dark Chapter - if you bought part 3, then don't sell part 2!
i don't want to sell it, but i need the money man. i'm desperate and that record should bring hopefully a decent amount. i hate it when i have to get rid of stuff like that to try and scrape by. fucking life....
at least that's reassuring somewhat, still doesn't make me feel any better. Ain't sellin' it for personal gain, just tryin' to keep my ass out of the fire
Dark Chapter said:
at least that's reassuring somewhat, still doesn't make me feel any better. Ain't sellin' it for personal gain, just tryin' to keep my ass out of the fire
Tell you what, you sell your 7" for personal gain and get as much as you can for it since you truly need the $$. Once sold, I'll keep one from my personal collection aside for you (389/500) which you can have at cost once you've stabled out on the money front. I'll assume that you would treasure it though until you turn to dust. :)

The last 2 I will definitely keep for myself though. :cool:
you're my hero! will you autograph that for me :Spin: seriously though, i really appreciate that very much and will take you up on that offer if it still stands once my finances are under control. Been listening to Empyrium, sad and miserable music for a sad and miserable guy :ill:
ehh it's going to be a while it seems, hopefully not but one can only do so much, again thank you
Russell said:
NAD: Haha, retirement? Nah, I'll carry on going till I die :p
Have fun boyo, I'm ready for retirement TODAY. My 50th birthday is my last day of work, unless I get rich (or die) before then. Fuck work. :)

I'm about to go buy that Grey EP and I'll probably bid on the 7" as well, Dark Chapter. I'm surprised it's not going for more just yet... if for whatever reason I win with a $5 bid (unlikely), I'll give you more than that.
NAD - you don't have the 7"??? Fucking hell, I've started an incestuous bidding war. I just figured that every RC regular would have Tomorrow Never Comes already.
I didn't completely fall in love with Agalloch until after that 7" was gone. Took me well over a year to get into the Mantle, not sure why.

EDIT: did someone from the forum already place a bid? If so I'm sorry, I didn't think anyone here did... :erk:


Tranquillian said:
and the new Hypocrisy.
GOOD. It rules. Seeing them and Cannibal Corpse tomorrow night!