akerfeldt is a funny guy

"And I know we done act as well as our good two shoes neighbor Canada. Who hasn't had a girlfriend by the way, I'm just saying." - Homer Simpson (well, along the lines of what he said.)
Misseriah said:
Black Metal? Opeth has no evidence of any black metal in their music, other than it is heavy. There's no blastbeats, hardly, if any, tremolo, no high pitched screams, and most of all, no corpse paint. If it wasn't for the progressive sections in their music, Opeth would be a melodic death metal band. Period.

A band DOES NOT have to wear corpsepaint to be black metal. See: later-day Emperor and Mayhem, except Maniac or Attila.

And bm bands incorporate a lot more into their music than just blast beats and tremolo guitars. Emperor and Immortal are excellent examples of this.

Black metal is about the atmosphere, something that is very prominent on Orchid and Morningrise.

I am not saying that Opeth are black metal...because they aren't. But they aren't melodic death metal either. Progressive Death Metal is a perfectly acceptable (and accurate) genre.
Is Akerfeldt a funny guy?

"It is time for Evil and Satanic music"

The Judges all agree with funny.
BloodyScalpel said:
Not really, he was a genious who conquered half of europe and managed to unify a country destroyed by war and got back the pride and nationality sense of the germans...
Can't say much about his methods though :p

You're neither right nor wrong to be honest. He was in the right place at the right time.
BloodyScalpel said:
Not really, he was a genious who conquered half of europe and managed to unify a country destroyed by war and got back the pride and nationality sense of the germans...
Can't say much about his methods though :p

he couldn't have been too smart, having decided to attack russia...during the winter...whereas he could have let them be...seeing as they had a treaty... this assault cornered them in the same way the germans were cornered in WWI...It's not smart to fight a war on two fronts...
BloodyScalpel said:
Not really, he was a genious who conquered half of europe and managed to unify a country destroyed by war and got back the pride and nationality sense of the germans...
Can't say much about his methods though :p
wtf are you doing here:p

but anyways, aside the fact that he was a genious- i know he was- he has made sum über stupid mistakes also.
Necromantic-Hiko said:
he couldn't have been too smart, having decided to attack russia...during the winter...whereas he could have let them be...seeing as they had a treaty... this assault cornered them in the same way the germans were cornered in WWI...It's not smart to fight a war on two fronts...
napoleon did the same - was he stupid?
He did the "This is the last song 'cause i gotta shit" in the show in Israel last saturday too, but then the crowd started shouting "no!!!!", and he answered "Yes!" "No!" "Yes!" "No!" "Yes!" "No!" "Yes!" "No!" etc. Naturaly the did Deliverance and Demon of the Fall as encore, but it was funny.
BloodyScalpel said:
napoleon did the same - was he stupid?

He was beaten in exactly the same way, scorched Earth. It had little to do with the weather. Besides when it came to Hitler's anvasion he was beaten no only because of scorched Earth it was because the Russians simply had massive numbers and their equpiment was easy to produce and cheap, 3 Russian tank could be built for the price of one German Panzer.
Powers said:
He was beaten in exactly the same way, scorched Earth. It had little to do with the weather. Besides when it came to Hitler's anvasion he was beaten no only because of scorched Earth it was because the Russians simply had massive numbers and their equpiment was easy to produce and cheap, 3 Russian tank could be built for the price of one German Panzer.

I hears as teh russinas were retreatign they were burning crops adn farm lands........and as the germans were having logistics probelms with delivering food to thier foot soldiers....teh invading and advancing germans were starving to death...!!!!.........PEAC EOUT
Well the weather took its toll when the French began to retreat, starvation and a lack of shelter were the big thing cause of the scorched earth policy. With the Germans in WWII, Hitler was fucked because he figured he'd blitzkrieg the Soviet's asses before winter even set in. I'd say Hitler himself was the biggest disadvantage the Nazis had in wartime. Also, Hitler was well aware of Napoleon's disaster and was afraid of a retreat so he ordered all his troops to fight to the death, which of course resulted in the biggest bloodbath in the history of mankind - Stalingrad!
Hey, isn't Turkey a Muslim country? I wonder how the situation is for bands like Opeth to come in there and play. I'm sure it's simple and people just go to watch their band, and enjoy the show. Although, I was just curious...
waz416c said:
I hears as teh russinas were retreatign they were burning crops adn farm lands........

This is what is reffered to as a scorched Earth policy. Hitlers Blitzkreig was dependent upon using the resources left behind by the retreating army, the Reds left no such resources. It's basically a massive "Fuck you, you can have it but it'll be totally useless to you."
A Reason To Sing said:
Hey, isn't Turkey a Muslim country? I wonder how the situation is for bands like Opeth to come in there and play. I'm sure it's simple and people just go to watch their band, and enjoy the show. Although, I was just curious...
wtf are you talking about? I mean is there a law of islam that forbids music, or metal bands coming here and play? well just because saudi arabia, as the center of islam is so narrowminded and strict dont confuse turkey with them. Believe me theres more gothic people on the streets thanits is in england here:p just an example though i hate both the strict and the gothic people anyways:loco:

and nooooooooooooooooo way, i mean lmao if porn was banned off Turkey the rape rate would reach to like 80% :loco: