akerfeldt is a funny guy

sure ,it is simple to come to turkey and play 4 metal bands and the audience is so nice and we,the youngs,, are very open-minded and surely there are many metal fans more than anyone can ever think ,,and of course there is not a ban on porns=)anyway who can prevent this??
:kickass: I couldn't say opeth were death metal atall really, look at Harvest, Face of melinda for examples. Id say there just Progressive Metal and i say there lyrics are very harsh yet very melow at times. But then again i hate sticking bands in boxes (under titles) its for NOOBS
No no no no, everyone knows turkey is like this...



Just kidding defne :wave:
Raistlin Majere said:
wtf are you talking about? I mean is there a law of islam that forbids music, or metal bands coming here and play? well just because saudi arabia, as the center of islam is so narrowminded and strict dont confuse turkey with them. Believe me theres more gothic people on the streets thanits is in england here:p just an example though i hate both the strict and the gothic people anyways:loco:

and nooooooooooooooooo way, i mean lmao if porn was banned off Turkey the rape rate would reach to like 80% :loco:

First of all, relax. Second, I'm Muslim myself.
I was curious because I've never really heard about a concert in Muslim countries, I mean, I'm sure they happen all the time, and it's all good, but usually bands like Opeth are in and out of Europe, the U.S...etc.

I wasn't confusing Saudi Arabia with Turkey. I know my countries, thank you. :) I have friends in Turkey, and they practice Islam. Some people don't over there, and all kinds of things happen that go against Islamic law. Such as pre-mratial sex..etc. However, it's not like they wouldn't happen anywhere else.

It sais in Islam that music is haram, but scholars often argue that if you don't let it get inbetween your loyality to your religion, then it's fine. You know, it's all what you make music do to you, and how you view it. Allah will judge individuals...I mean, if your a good person in life, and if you stay true to the religion...then I doubt you'll burn in the fires of hell for listening to Opeth.

I see no problem with them coming to Turkey. More power to the Turks and Opeth for gigs there! I'd go! Hell, they should go to Afghanistan and play.

A Reason To Sing said:
First of all, relax. Second, I'm Muslim myself.
I was curious because I've never really heard about a concert in Muslim countries, I mean, I'm sure they happen all the time, and it's all good, but usually bands like Opeth are in and out of Europe, the U.S...etc.

I wasn't confusing Saudi Arabia with Turkey. I know my countries, thank you. :) I have friends in Turkey, and they practice Islam. Some people don't over there, and all kinds of things happen that go against Islamic law. Such as pre-mratial sex..etc. However, it's not like they wouldn't happen anywhere else.

It sais in Islam that music is haram, but scholars often argue that if you don't let it get inbetween your loyality to your religion, then it's fine. You know, it's all what you make music do to you, and how you view it. Allah will judge individuals...I mean, if your a good person in life, and if you stay true to the religion...then I doubt you'll burn in the fires of hell for listening to Opeth.

I see no problem with them coming to Turkey. More power to the Turks and Opeth for gigs there! I'd go! Hell, they should go to Afghanistan and play.


hey im relaxen already.:p im just not happy with the fact that turkey is regarded as a "muslim, so narrowminded" country. I fucking dont care about the rules of islam, or their "haram"s as told above, i mean why the fuck would music be forbidden? If im gonna go to hell for listenning to Opeth, see you in the cauldron number 253648(with sum wee fictional thoughts. i dunno what they do in hell).

Leandro, get lost :zombie:

@Led Opeth, well ive seen many guys that looked like him before:D so you might be right.

@affinityband, totally wrong. I mean there's people comitting murders just because of pre-marital sex.