akerfeldt is a funny guy

Pate said:
A band DOES NOT have to wear corpsepaint to be black metal. See: later-day Emperor and Mayhem, except Maniac or Attila.

And bm bands incorporate a lot more into their music than just blast beats and tremolo guitars. Emperor and Immortal are excellent examples of this.

Black metal is about the atmosphere, something that is very prominent on Orchid and Morningrise.

I am not saying that Opeth are black metal...because they aren't. But they aren't melodic death metal either. Progressive Death Metal is a perfectly acceptable (and accurate) genre.
holy fucking shit moron. I said "if it wasn't for the progressive elements" jesus christ. why even reply /involvement
A Reason To Sing said:
It sais in Islam that music is haram, but scholars often argue that if you don't let it get inbetween your loyality to your religion, then it's fine. You know, it's all what you make music do to you, and how you view it. Allah will judge individuals...I mean, if your a good person in life, and if you stay true to the religion...then I doubt you'll burn in the fires of hell for listening to Opeth.

I see no problem with them coming to Turkey. More power to the Turks and Opeth for gigs there! I'd go! Hell, they should go to Afghanistan and play.


right on brother...!!!!........i agree wholeheartedly...im also a muslim....!!!!........and grew up listenin to teh sufi adn qawalli music of asia...!!!.......tahts the one thing that drew me to opeht coz thier songs are aso not...not as long as qawallis...but close...!!!.....and yeah music is last of ure worries....being a geniunely nice person is all u wanna do...!!!...Keep rockin brother man...!!!.....PEAC EOUT
Raistlin Majere said:
hey im relaxen already.:p im just not happy with the fact that turkey is regarded as a "muslim, so narrowminded" country. I fucking dont care about the rules of islam, or their "haram"s as told above, i mean why the fuck would music be forbidden? If im gonna go to hell for listenning to Opeth, see you in the cauldron number 253648(with sum wee fictional thoughts. i dunno what they do in hell).

Leandro, get lost :zombie:

@Led Opeth, well ive seen many guys that looked like him before:D so you might be right.

@affinityband, totally wrong. I mean there's people comitting murders just because of pre-marital sex.
I didn't mean any offense when I said it was a Muslim country, and metal heads I come across are very open-minded and good people, scratch the drunklard American death fans...hahahaha

Okay, sorry about that, but anyways.
Like I've said, I doubt you'll be destroyed because of listening to any music, and watch what you say about Islamic law like that. You know, just because something is on the other side blocking you from listening to the beauty that is Opeth, it doesn't mean you have to go against it totally.

As long as you are a good person, with good morals, I have a feeling you'll be fine.
That's my opinion.
Furthermore, you shouldn't care, so continue on with your Opethness.
waz416c said:
right on brother...!!!!........i agree wholeheartedly...im also a muslim....!!!!........and grew up listenin to teh sufi adn qawalli music of asia...!!!.......tahts the one thing that drew me to opeht coz thier songs are aso not...not as long as qawallis...but close...!!!.....and yeah music is last of ure worries....being a geniunely nice person is all u wanna do...!!!...Keep rockin brother man...!!!.....PEAC EOUT

waz416c said:
right on brother...!!!!........i agree wholeheartedly...im also a muslim....!!!!........and grew up listenin to teh sufi adn qawalli music of asia...!!!.......tahts the one thing that drew me to opeht coz thier songs are aso not...not as long as qawallis...but close...!!!.....and yeah music is last of ure worries....being a geniunely nice person is all u wanna do...!!!...Keep rockin brother man...!!!.....PEAC EOUT

holy crap, didnt know you were a muslim all this time, waz. this world never stops to surprise me. peace out, mate =) haha
A Reason To Sing said:
I didn't mean any offense when I said it was a Muslim country, and metal heads I come across are very open-minded and good people, scratch the drunklard American death fans...hahahaha

Okay, sorry about that, but anyways.
Like I've said, I doubt you'll be destroyed because of listening to any music, and watch what you say about Islamic law like that. You know, just because something is on the other side blocking you from listening to the beauty that is Opeth, it doesn't mean you have to go against it totally.

As long as you are a good person, with good morals, I have a feeling you'll be fine.
That's my opinion.
Furthermore, you shouldn't care, so continue on with your Opethness.
well for a person who doesnt believe in such stuff as heaven or hell its pretty useless to talk about how "haram" opeth is:p