akerfeldt is a funny guy

Stilgar said:
havada=in the air? If I remember right from my visits to Istanbul that havalimanı=airport. And the turkish kahve is great! :) It's the closest I've come to swedish coffee anywhere (it's too watered out anywhere else).
never tasted turkish or swedish coffee, but ours is pretty strong as well.
I'm amazed how close do dirty water american coffee is :yuk:
Holy_Bastard said:
Hmm...I see some Turkish-Lovers here :D Turkish is a good and rich language pals...But it's also very hard to learn :)
The grammar is very easy and regular though.

It's probably the simplest grammar I've EVER seen. All you have to do is think like yoda and you're almost set.
blooodyscalpel, fill me in on pinga.

i remember drinking half a bottle of pinga mixed with some juices about three years ago. i faintly recall it tasted very much like tequila. is pinga a cocktail with tequila in it or something?
Jesus Christ, I thought for sure his bod woulda kicked his defective brain out by now...

Oh, and ah... just because no-ones said it here in a while... MONKEYBRAINS! monkeybrains monkeybrains monkeybrains!

QUOTE=waz416c]well ...I am but honoured...!!!.........Keep rockin...!!!//.....PEAC EOUT[/QUOTE]
turkish is hard and it is harder to speak it fluently for a foreigner. Most Turkish politicians can't build a proper sentence while they talk, even though they should have mastered their speech.