Akesson is terrific

it's actually far more naive of you to think that anyone is naive for saying that new members are fanboys. people who have been around for a long time like nicholasdwolfwood, arasmas, and me have watched wave after wave of new members join the site, each influx coinciding with the release of an album. all they ever do is make shitty fanboy threads and comments

Aren't you tired of sucking Arasmas? But oh yes you, the badboy clan, looking after your backs?

I wonder how you maintain this stupid attitude in your life, either you are too lonely or too nerd to have friends or act normally due to lack of courage to spill your filth outside..

But stupid guys like you are all over the internet, I guess we should learn to ignore you.
it's actually far more naive of you to think that anyone is naive for saying that new members are fanboys. people who have been around for a long time like nicholasdwolfwood, arasmas, and me have watched wave after wave of new members join the site, each influx coinciding with the release of an album. all they ever do is make shitty fanboy threads and comments

Not really. Basically you are accusing me of being a fanboy, yet I have been critical of plenty - why just a few posts above I believe I criticised the songwriting on 'Pocelain Heart' - as well as on a few other occaisions. It is not naive on part at all, because it is quite obvious you are discriminate to anyone who has joined recently without even bother to seek their opinion because surely they know 'nothing' (and this is quite amusing coming from someone whose has a join date of Nov 2008!).

And to disregard even the blatant fanboys is still stupid anyway as they have a right to their opinion as much as you do. But go on, tell me I'm wrong.
hemehaci: I hope for your sake you're a foreigner because then you'd have an excuse for your balky grasp of the english language. it really feels like arguing with a special needs kid, or the guy who wrote the quote in my sig

cw: thrusting yourself forth as a counterexample in the face of the overwhelming majority of cases upon which an argument is based is one of the most egotistical things a person can do really. do you think that you alone are enough to disprove an obvious trend? fact is, trends exist, and profiling based on those trends is legitimate, and I shouldn't have to explain this kind of shit because it's goddamn common sense. fyi my first account here was in feb 04 so eat shit. a fanboy has a right to his opinion, but I have a right to point out that he is a fanboy with no perspective
'so eat shit'?

That is a good'un. I didn't realize we were at the point of resorting to name calling.

Do you feel superior putting the poor little fanboys in their place? What is the point really?
What is the point really?

the point is this: it's marginally amusing to rile up internet dorks, and the best case scenario is a progmetal/fanboy dork stops being a dork. you should all be thanking me
hemehaci: I hope for your sake you're a foreigner because then you'd have an excuse for your balky grasp of the english language. it really feels like arguing with a special needs kid, or the guy who wrote the quote in my sig

Look who is talking, Mr Linguistics Professor. Where did you exactly fail to understand what I meant? Yes I am a foreigner by the way..

And also are you arguing that my bad language is worse than your mental retardedness? I highly doubt it.

Anyways this was my last post on this, gees you do not deserve to be spit on at all.
Not to defend the endemic fanboys/shit threads, but I've visited here sporadically over the past five years and personally I think the board took an overall trend towards extreme dorkishness when the whole neckbearded "welp folks" prog crew took up residence. . .
I suppose I must have lurked for quite a while before I signed up. Back when there was an off-topic forum the place was a lot livelier, and there was a real sense of community. A lot less passive-aggression, and "eat shit" sort of blatant aggression for sure anyways. Good trolls too, remember ggggggu? THAT was a troll. It seemed like there was a transition period where it was all "afaict" this and "iirc" that, and NFU insulting people, and now nobody sticks around more than a few months. Go figure.
lol ggggggu was blatantly aggressive all the time, and he posted gay porn images all over the place
this thread is about "i want to win this discussion by all means" and "let's see how many insults i can throw at the others".

it has a very low level.

sorry for my bad english. feel free to ban me because of it. :zombie:
I think this thread should be maintained. Threads like these take all of the trolls and confine them in 1 area of the forum. A bit like a prison, we put people we don't want around us in a confined area. That way we don't have to deal with them.