Akesson is terrific

We have lots of good members here, it's just that there isn't really a whole lot to talk about; we end up talking about banal shit in the absence of something worthy.

Yes, there are a few incredibly stupid posters, but they're the minority. I think we're doing fine given what we have to work with.

I think being a part of the Ultimate Metal forums isn't helping, though. We get a whole bunch of people posting here who don't even like Opeth, just to talk shit. I think we'd get less of those types if the board wasn't affiliated with all the other band boards.
most, if not all, of the people "talking shit" here have been members here for years under various user names. for example, frodo's bulk and arasmas have both been around since what, late 03 or early 04 or something under various accounts.
most, if not all, of the people "talking shit" here have been members here for years under various user names. for example, frodo's bulk and arasmas have both been around since what, late 03 or early 04 or something under various accounts.

As far as I know, the people you mention like of have liked Opeth, so I wasn't talking about them.
the nerdy black metal elitist trolls have also been around for a million years, they just hang out at the philosopher

if nothing else, at least they're literate unlike all the drooling 'mikael = god lol' dimwits here
Okay so the philosophy of this thread is:

1. The longer you've been member the bigger cock you have.
2. Rule 1 only applies to others, not to you since your join date is ´07 or ´08. The big dicks only acknowledge themselves as long time members despite having same join date as you because they've had other accounts. Obviously, it is impossible for you to also have older accounts (reason unknown)
I haven't said anything that could possibly make me stand out as an idiot, know that I am very patient with the likes if you and I sooner just ignore you than attempt to argue with you, because I know that is fruitless