Akesson is terrific

brilliant idea, too bad internet forums don't work like that you nimrod.

you keep calling us trolls, when we're not. we simply have a different opinion than you, more than likely on a myriad of things, and choose to verbalize it rather than keep it in because it goes against the status quo. I mean, trolling a thread because it's shit is one thing. to be a troll is an entirely different matter. if the idiocy here wasn't so rampant, it wouldn't have to get to this level of trolling just so that the forum wasn't as redundant and boring as it is. this is actually entertaining me. it actually surprised me it didn't take more than one or two posts before someone realized arasmas was trolling.
brilliant idea, too bad internet forums don't work like that you nimrod.

you keep calling us trolls, when we're not. we simply have a different opinion than you, more than likely on a myriad of things, and choose to verbalize it rather than keep it in because it goes against the status quo.

You're a troll, and since you're still here, it means it does work. :)
Threads like these really are troll magnets.

There's nothing wrong with verbalizing your opinion, but just screaming it around everywhere without any arguments to support it is not very useful and is bound to annoy people. That's what I call trolling. Anyway, I'm out of here, I've already wasted way too much time on this.
it actually surprised me it didn't take more than one or two posts before someone realized arasmas was trolling.

If you are familiar AT ALL with Arasmas's posts, it was pretty damn obvious...like the proverbial turd in the punch bowl.

I too find this thread quite amusing. With so many of the more active, knowledgeable users leaving the forum for this very reason, this place is getting even more dull than it was before. In My Time Of Disease told me a bunch of guys were bailing, and I was afraid it would get like this. It's getting harder and harder to take this place seriously anymore...seriously. :cry:

I don't envy you, Samsara...:ill:
you guys think the opeth forum is bad.
Check out the Childern of Bodom one.
Its terrible, heh, it kinda suits the music :lol:
It was fun-loving trolling though, not pissy and argumentative.

that's because people weren't such stuck up fanboys back then. he had haters but he also had a bunch of people who thought the antics were funny. if he was around now his posts would be met with 100% defensive outrage and constant pleas for banning. this place sucks away any sense of fun-loving, partly because of the lack of OT
Y'all being so full of hate? Why y'all so full of hate, huh? Y'all fighting, calling each other trolls and other naughty words, it's not healthy, y'all?
Why don't we all get together to sing and dance, and listen to Opeth? Cause that's what this forum is really about, isn't it? Listening to Opeth?

You're a troll, and since you're still here, it means it does work. :)
Threads like these really are troll magnets.

There's nothing wrong with verbalizing your opinion, but just screaming it around everywhere without any arguments to support it is not very useful and is bound to annoy people. That's what I call trolling. Anyway, I'm out of here, I've already wasted way too much time on this.

you're a fucking moron.
I've been posting actively for more than 3 years, and I lurked for like 2 years before that. how, again, am I a troll?

oh wait, it's because I'm not. you have no facts to back up your opinion that I'm a troll. look at any number of my posts from before the release of watershed.

I could sit here and tell my opinions and try to create a discussion about it, but you know what I'd be met with? pre-pubescent fanboys telling me that I'm wrong and that they're right no matter what. that's why half of the people on this forum either left, or started mocking everyone - it's fucking redundant and retarded. when the same threads have been done over and over again, and the same people answer the same questions over and over again, it's not fun to participate in a serious manner on this board anymore.

as frodo said, this is partly due to the eradication of the OT board. but it's also because as opeth gets more popular, they attract more shitstain dumbfucks who don't know how to
a) use the search function
or b) in avoidance of the search function, create worthwhile discussion.

instead, they drone on and on about the same bullshit (OMG WHT GUITRZ DO THA GUYZ USE, WHRD LOPZ GO etc etc etc) with no effort. otherwise, they will counter any worthwhile opinion, with their prepubescent fanboy bullshit, and anybody who disagrees with them should get the banhammer.

beast from the east said:
I too find this thread quite amusing. With so many of the more active, knowledgeable users leaving the forum for this very reason, this place is getting even more dull than it was before. In My Time Of Disease told me a bunch of guys were bailing, and I was afraid it would get like this. It's getting harder and harder to take this place seriously anymore...seriously.
I did bail, but I came back and started posting here again as well because it's quite hilarious seeing this forum go more and more down the shitter everyday.

there really needs to be some serious changes to this board, otherwise we're either
a) going to keep being obnoxious when a fanboy gets his panties in knots
or b) end up getting bored of trolling shitstain fanboys and leave

if option b happens, what will this board be left with? a bunch of shitstain fanboys who joined in the latter half of 08 with no opinion to differentiate themselves from the rest of the pack, but because someone disagrees with them, well - the heretic should be banned in their fanboyish opinion.

this post has gone on for too fucking long and most likely won't make a whole lot of sense but fuck it.
I actually hear what your saying.
And it would be a tragedy is this forum lost most of the members that were here before.

I think we all should make a conscious effort, to put some sass back in the forum.
i dont know which side is more retarded in this thread, the good guys or the bad guys

actually i cant decide who the good guys are
internet flamers or 14 year olds who think atonement is the 3rd best song in the world after tgc and psychosocial