Albums you hate that most people like

Nowadays I agree about The Work Which Transforms God being overrated, whereas back when it was released, I would've been the first on this board to hail it as a future classic. It's unfortunately grown pretty stale over time and simply bores me in it's entirety. The odd track here and there is fine, though.

One band I'll never understand the hype about is Agalloch - a ten hour piss would be more interesting, as far as I'm concerned.

I generally loathe all this suicidal/depressive Black Metal nonsense unless it's done extremely well (Nyktalgia is a fairly good example), but I'm sure I'm not alone. Xasthur is a good example of what I hate.
Less than a week ago I realized just how much I love Xasthur. Now I can't get enough of it for some reason. Heck, even the new one is giving me that vibe. Must be the new headphones.
Blut Aus Nord - The Work Which Transforms God

I don't hate it per se, but I don't understand why it's so hailed.

It's DEFINITELY not for everyone at all. You could give it all the time in the world and still think it sounds like total garbage.

I think it's an absolutely flawless, masterwork of an album. Absolutely vindicative and ferociously mechanical. Nothing is bad on it, imo
I listened to that today and it still gives me that rare feeling of transcendence. I think you need to listen to it more under a proper setting.

Transcendence is a totally different feeling but I understand what your are talking about. That album must have been a bitch to compose along with Mort.
An album like SotLB is overkill to me. Black metal is already very melodic. If I want some good melodies, I will put on Transilvanian Hunger. SotLB is too much. Might as well be In Flames with a handful of parts that sound like black metal.
Blind Guardian - Somewhere Far Beyond

I don't exactly hate this album, but I sure as hell think it's overrated except for the title track.
I've never even listened to them.
I agree with you on Darkthrone's TH also.
I'm only a casual BM fan, as it turns out, so take my views with a grain of salt.It takes me a long time to absorb a BM album(classic, shmassic, whatever.) Unless it delievers a great punch or has a certain enthralling vibe, I'll probably won't be returning to it very often.
i certainly don't hate it. i just don't like it that much. Dance of December Souls is one of my favorite albums and Brave Murder Day is just nowhere near as good. whenever i listen to BMD i get bored half way through the 2nd song and struggle to listen to the entire album. parts of BMD sound like their later albums with harsh vocals and i'm not a fan of those albums at all. i love Jonas Renkse's vocals on the first album and that raw emotion is nowhere to be found on BMD. on DoDS is sounds like Renkse was contemplating suicide before recording and then went into the studio and poured his heart out in one last swan song.
Heh. I think BMD is accually more depressing then DoDS. The intro and outro riff in Brave is probably the saddest stuff ever written imo. I agree on the vocals though alittle bit. I maybe like Black Erotica more than 12 as stand alone songs. I think Åkerfeldt fits perfectly the atmosphere on BMD as a whole though and would never trade him for anyone if I could.

Stuff I don't "get":

Later Runemagick, The Supreme Force of Eternity is the only thing you need really.
Most USBM. I like Weakling but other than that, Xasthur, Leviathan, Judas Iscariot, Krieg, etc. Boring imo.
Megadeth - just a super average thrash metal act.
Negură Bunget - never clicked.
Sacramentum and Dawn - Ok, this is a little lie because I think both those bands rules but people around here seams to think they are the shit and Dissection are just a third rate version of them. IMO it is totally the other way around. :>
Lots of newer black metal bands which are ok I guess but I couldn't care less about.
Pretty much all "post-metal" and sludge.
I find Emperor's In The Nightside Eclipse to be extraordinarily tedious, as do I most other black metal bands. I cannot stand Toxic Holocaust. I find Deicide extremely boring as well as any other non-stop blasting form of death metal. And add to the list any viking/core/symphonic/brutal/melo/prog/flower/groove/post blah blah blah band.
I agree abit on Deicide, the songs are good, but I think it gets too much when it is as you say, non-stop blasting. I like how Legion is under 30mins playtime, more would just be boring. :-p