Alexi and Roope both suck now...really bad

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I don't see what's soo bad about it...what seemed sloppy was maybe when they were diping or diving with the trem, and then it's hard to perfectly replicate an album recording.
you thought it sounded fine? Are you blind? They used to be so much more talented.........imagine if they tried teaching a Sinergy song or something.......compared to these lame riffs....the Trivium vid on this cd-rom is better
I expect more from Children Of Bodom, the best band in the world. If you guys are satisfied with are obviously not the Bodom fan that I am.
mmmkay...well, of course their older stuff was so technical, but what strikes me the most in this is...all of a sudden when you see them play the song you have a fucking revelation about it? Come on now....
Taste Of My have that in your signature.....could you even imagine them trying to pull that off in this video? be honest
HateCrewDeathroll said:
Taste Of My have that in your signature.....could you even imagine them trying to pull that off in this video? be honest

Yeah...I can see them pulling of Silent Night, Bodom Night...I've seen it done 20 feet away and while they were rocking out, like 3 months ago.
I have too!!! They have blown me away plenty of times!! but these riffs embarrass me. I used to sport Children Of Bodom as the best band in the world!!!!! and SINERGY!!!! But this vid doesn't show that they are the best in the world.
Man i think your taking it a little to far... i mean its just a promo vid of them and they hardly even have their guitars turned up :lol:
HateCrewDeathroll said:
I have too!!! They have blown me away plenty of times!! but these riffs embarrass me. I used to sport Children Of Bodom as the best band in the world!!!!! and SINERGY!!!! But this vid doesn't show that they are the best in the world.

Listen man, it is what it is. I still can't believe that this is just hitting you now, but're pretty much left with 2 options. You either take it or leave it. I personally choose to take it, cause I like it for what it is, not for what bodom was....or maybe I just have low standards in music...I don't know...but it's pretty simple...take it or leave it, cause bitching and moaning only makes getting over it more difficult.

Oh yeah...and for the record. I don't even like the song Are You Dead Yet?
(what point this makes, or what relevance it has...I don't know...but I thew it out there)
this may not be a big deal to you but to see Trivium and Bodom next to each other on the guitar world CD-ROM and for BODOM NOT TO BLOW THEM say the least
HateCrewDeathroll said:
this may not be a big deal to you but to see Trivium and Bodom next to each other on the guitar world CD-ROM and for BODOM NOT TO BLOW THEM say the least

Blow them away? What did you expect to see on the CD? Kissing the Shadows?
Really, you think so? I'd bet he could. Just like any other song they play on tour they'd have to rehearse it first...but I bet he and the rest can still play it after a little while in the practice space.
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