Alexi and Roope both suck now...really bad

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I thought it was kinda funny. Kinda shouwed some backround what it looks like warming up backstage. That is all they probably did. Warming up before a show with Are You Dead Yet?. But I don't take back what I said earlier.
Ok I just watched it and there's nothing wrong with it.

Roope doesn't forget it and Alexi plays it all just fine.
HateCrewDeathroll said:
Is just fine good enough for you?

I didn't literally mean "just fine", it's an expression.

There's nothing wrong with their playing on that video, you'd find more mistakes in Matt Heafy's.
HateCrewDeathroll said:
this may not be a big deal to you but to see Trivium and Bodom next to each other on the guitar world CD-ROM and for BODOM NOT TO BLOW THEM say the least

I don't think that this video would hae "blown me away" even if everything was played note for note. The riffs are totally weak, there is nothing about this song that is mindblowing. Can you see how bored Roope is? I think that it isn't their best performance, but this isn't their best song or album either. The music has gotten too simple, too muddy. If you want mindblowing, listen to Follow the Reaper, I can still listen to it and hear parts (harmonies, riffs, effects) bounce around in my ears that make me remember how good they used to be.

HateCrewDeathroll, I feel your pain, although I don't know if this video is the true smoking gun that Bodom has lost it...I think the recent news about the delay of Sinergy is worse to me. At least consider yourself lucky that it upsets you that Bodom does not reach the standards they once did (Tokyo Warhearts anyone?), and that you aren't some dumbass old-school Metallica fan who thinks that his favorite band can never do anything bad, and that every other band sucks.
Yeah this song is definitely not their best, they should have shown I Spit on your Grave or Suicide by my Side or Return to the Fourth World. <3
I would've liked to see that song too. Man, this thread really shows me that most people are easily satisfied with the music they listen to.
HateCrewDeathroll said:
I would've liked to see that song too. Man, this thread really shows me that most people are easily satisfied with the music they listen to.

Stop complaining. Yes, the song isn't great but they played it good.

Hopefully the dvd is good
hopefully the new album is good
hopefully sinergys album is good
blah blah blah
we've heard it all before

We can't help the way that they've gone so creating 3456247 threads on how disappointed people are is pointless.

As most people would say, like it or leave.
its not too bad..
if they want they could have shown something better..
The most ppl. reading those magazines cant play so well ,so they thought maybe "lets play some easy shit".
Bodom is my fav and they rock shit !
darell said:
its not too bad..
if they want they could have shown something better..
The most ppl. reading those magazines cant play so well ,so they thought maybe "lets play some easy shit".
Bodom is my fav and they rock shit !

I doubt that's what made them choose that song, Alexi demonstrated the We're Not Gonna Fall solo in a previous issue and that's certainly not easy.
Talking about that issue, anyone have or know where i could get that young guitar dvd??
HateCrewDeathroll said:
but Alexi can't play that anymore....

(quote related to Alexi who shouldn't be able -in Hate Crew Deathroll's opinion- to play songs like "Kissing The Shadows" anymore)

Well, guys, to answer to all those who speak bad of Mr. Laiho, I just don't know what else I could say in addiction to what you all have said... plus, I would be misunderstood cuz I'm not so good with english, but I'll try anyway to spit it up! :)
Not to talk only about him, but in this thread the main subject of the matter is Alexi.... well, he was able to play in that spectacular way he played time ago (I mean "Hatebreeder" or "Follow The Reaper" times, to make an example).... but HE IS STILL ABLE TO PLAY THAT WAY.
And it's so sad the fact that someone declared to love his (and all the CoB guys' music), speaking and also acting in a certain way to make believe to other people to understand what is music...
I'm not deeming, but I think that people who understand what music really is are, in reality, only a few... indeed there are many more persons who are just able to say bla, bla, bla: why don't they reflect a bit more, before speaking ill about other people (and in this case Alexi)?
Concerned to him, then, he has to be conprehended a bit more: he gave so much in the past, then he had problems with his arm, so even if time went by it's not easy to heal perfectly, he's not a robot... no one is perfect.
So, last but not least, concerning to the hated fact that someone tells that he "cuts-off" some his solos and sobstitutes them with other notes and stuff, that's not due to laziness, in my opinion: have you ever thought that, maybe, he has such a great knowledge of the guitar to be able to change something, always according to what he feels to do in a precise moment? It's technique. He's more professional that many people think... you can see clearly that he loves his work, and that he tries to give his best.
Then, if you don't like it, stop shitting him... chuck it and go to listen to someone else.
Alexi, and all the other CoB guys, have still a lot to give us.
That's what I think, sorry if I was not so clear.
^cba to read all that, but it's probably something good !

Anyways, to the threadstarter, Roope doesn't play anything wrong in the vid, and the only thing that's wrong with the solo is the whammybar thing in the end, which i imagine is hard to do with sucky amps or w/e. The point is that it was flawless, it was an easy song, yes, but still, they did it pretty much like the albumversion sounds like.

And if you think that roope and alexi doesn't have the skills anymore, you should have been to the Sthlm Metal Expo, roope did some crazy licks and solos, and so did alexi. But i'm just pointing out Roope because he kicks more ass.

No one can really tell about how sins of the past is going to be like, but what you can do is stop whining about how much they suck, when infact you're than one who's the retard motherfucker.
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