alexi's vocals


Jun 16, 2006
on SOB it says the alexi does some vocals in northers everything is an end, dead, and mirror of madness, does anyone know when you can hear him in that part of the song, cause when i listen i dont hear shit
:lol: i cant see him though in the video of mirror of madness..
and no i dont think so...
Booklet for Mirror of Madness:

Shout choir on tracks Everything Is An End, Dead and Mirror of Madness by Allu Ale, Jaska and Kride.

They are the collective shouts you hear throughout the songs. Not a guest apperance like your favorite rap group.
The Bringer said:
Booklet for Mirror of Madness:

Shout choir on tracks Everything Is An End, Dead and Mirror of Madness by Allu Ale, Jaska and Kride.

They are the collective shouts you hear throught the songs. Not a guest apperance like your favorite rap group.

exactly :lol:
well what would some expect? like someone said its not a rap group:lol:
theo nly group ive hear do a double vocal thing that wrked was after forvever
yea I said After forever,but I tend to not like female vocalists for some reason,im not sexist or anything but i just cant get into it unless its really good singing...or arch enemy
Conti said:
yea I said After forever,but I tend to not like girls, they're icky!

:O :p

Sonata Arctica's Tony Kakko Apears in some Nightwish songs (cant remeber the name), and on the Live version of Beuty and the Beast. I like Tony's voice much better than the studio Beuty and the Beast personnally.

Hammerfall and Sonata Arctica wrote a song together didn't they? Havn't heard of it but my Drummer was telling me aboot it.
CliffBurton said:
Sonata Arctica's Tony Kakko Apears in some Nightwish songs (cant remeber the name), and on the Live version of Beuty and the Beast.

Over the Hills and Far away is the same Beuty and the Beast live recording. I had that CD untill it was stolen with some other CDs (including my entire Rush Collection and most of my Bodom :(, and my Cd player :(:( ), the booklet says he is on 2 songs, im just retarded and can't remeber which one.

its on my Mp3 player, which is in my pocket, but I'm not going to search it up....