alexi's vocals

I love Alexi's vocals. It just feels so good. It feels like a spark of fire is running through your body or something. And his lyrics are sweet. I think my favorite album of all times is Follow the Reaper.
I hate duet vocals unless it's in black metal. In Lacuna Coil, the guy's vocals messes up Cristina's beautiful voice and the same goes for Nightwish.
GrimReaper666 said:
I hate duet vocals unless it's in black metal. In Lacuna Coil, the guy's vocals messes up Cristina's beautiful voice and the same goes for Nightwish.

Wtf, Marco's voice is incredible. He does a great job on Phantom of the Opera.
I extremely LOVE black metal too. It's the best type of genre. Man, my favorite band is actually Cradle of Filth and Dimmu Borgir are good too but it sux that they're both becoming mainstream. Cradle's old and new stuff are good but on the latest album they got softer. And on the new album, i can't believe Ville Valo is gonna sing. That's the gayest thing i'v ever heard. He can't keep up with Cradle. No one can ever copy Dani's vocals. The closest i'v ever heard that sounds like them are Hecate Enthroned.
GrimReaper666 said:
I extremely LOVE black metal too. It's the best type of genre. Man, my favorite band is actually Cradle of Filth and Dimmu Borgir are good too but it sux that they're both becoming mainstream. Cradle's old and new stuff are good but on the latest album they got softer. And on the new album, i can't believe Ville Valo is gonna sing. That's the gayest thing i'v ever heard. He can't keep up with Cradle. No one can ever copy Dani's vocals. The closest i'v ever heard that sounds like them are Hecate Enthroned.

ville valo does have a good voice, although i agree partly that it wouldn't fit in with that kind of music, but then again, who knows? some songs actually work with soft/hard vocals mixed.
Authentic Metalhead said:
Yeah, just listen to Borknagar. Although, I think we can agree that Vintersorg has a much more powerful voice than Ville.

powerfull yes, but both of them are in completly different leagues, while ville has a very fitting voice for what he sings, and has a good "pop-voice" in general, that doesn't mean that he will be an awesome singer in any music style. Hm, i hope you understand what i mean.
Black metal will never get mainstream...hopefully. If it does, it's gonna suck cuz then everyone will get into A7X. They were pretty much metal until City of Evil. Now everyone listens to them...including pop listeners. I can't believe they came on TLC too.
Ville Valo's voice is gross. It's too girly and Ville Valo is a pussy. He looks like a girl in one of the music videos cuz of all the eye shadow. Ew, thinking of Dani and Ville on the same stage performing grosses me out. No offense to all the HIM lovers. And I hate the whole "love metal" thing too. They are just pure hard rock.
GrimReaper666 said:
Ville Valo's voice is gross. It's too girly and Ville Valo is a pussy. He looks like a girl in one of the music videos cuz of all the eye shadow. Ew, thinking of Dani and Ville on the same stage performing grosses me out. No offense to all the HIM lovers. And I hate the whole "love metal" thing too. They are just pure hard rock.

No offense to you, but in case you haven't noticed

That's quite alot of eyeshadow. :erk:
LOL, yeah but Dani looks soooo hot in it. He's vampiricly and satanicly hot. It goes with the image. But Ville looks like a girl. It's not dark make-up or anything. He has like sparkly eyeshadow on.
<-Warheart-> said:
Wtf, Marco's voice is incredible. He does a great job on Phantom of the Opera.

I think his voice is cheesy esp on Dead To the World or Everdream. But on Slaying the Dreamer it's pretty good. On that song, his vocals remind me of Jonathan's from Korn except better.
GrimReaper666 said: A7X. They were pretty much metal until City of Evil. Now everyone listens to them...including pop listeners. I can't believe they came on TLC too.

Are you kidding? City of Evil was more metal (musically) than Waking the Fallen. And I wasn't really satisfied with M. Shadows' voice on WtF, that screaming was the reason he damaged his vocal cords. HE DIDN'T TRAIN!! The solos were more abundant on CoE and the rhythm guitars were quite good. The drumming was pretty good also. Basically, they dropped the -core and offered up heavy, satisfying metal.
Good point...but i guess it just gets tiring after a while. I listened to Bat Country so many times, i can't listen to it anymore. But the only thing i disagree on is the drumming. I thought it was better on Waking the Fallen. It had more of that bass drumming.