Anders best vocal performance?


Oct 25, 2007
the netherlands
During wich period Anders had in your opinion his best voice?

in my opinion he had his best voice from Skydancer up to Whoracle, when Anders had an brutal growl, however his less brutal growl/ more screaming vocals from colony up to clayman were cool too.
I think Colony was his peak as a vocalist, he could do it all. Deep/high growls, screams, decent cleans. Clayman began to show the strain on his voice, and Reroute onwards has been a bit downhill.
Nah, he didn't even have decent cleans on Colony, it was pretty much studio magic I think.
BUT, I still think that Colony was his sweetest pure screaming performance. The high pitched screams were quite good on Come Clarity.
I think that his vocal performance peak is still to be reached, he can do it. We will probably have to wait until the next album though, I'm hoping for him to utilize his screams, growls, clean vocals and the raspy hybrid scream/clean thingy. He has never shown his full potential on any album.
Every single vocalist uses studio magic... out of all the albums so far, the cleans have IMO sounded best on Colony (Insipid 2000, Coerced Coexistence, even Ordinary Story). Not whiny, just straightforward and a bit rough. Anders vocals were shot(almost to pieces in some recordings) some time around the R2R era, I do not think you will ever hear a performance like Colony or even Clayman again. I mean, look at ASOP, the majoirty of his vocals are half-growls at best, some are just him yelling. I still think his style now is OK, but he won't recapture what he had pre-2002 IMO.
Well, yeah. I think that he will use more powerful screams (CC like) as his main style in the future, cause the hybrid screams are boring in the long run. I just don't get why he just doesn't use all of his styles in one album, I mean, it would boost the album alot and make it more interesting to listen to.

I think, however, that the cleans on Colony, the ones on inspid 2000 for example, we're extremely bad pre-studio magic, I mean, there are probably a ton of effects and layers on it, I think however, that it would be nice for him to master that style and learn to use it in the future.
It's entirely possible that the cleans on Insipid 2000, Colony, Ordinary and Coerced Coexistence did all suck originally (judging by the live performances, yeah they likely did), but it's the end result that matters to me, and of the end results of all the albums, I'd say Colony got the best out of Anders' cleans. Just my opinion of course, I just think they did a good job on Colony of disguising Anders' weak cleans.
It's entirely possible that the cleans on Insipid 2000, Colony, Ordinary and Coerced Coexistence did all suck originally (judging by the live performances, yeah they likely did), but it's the end result that matters to me, and of the end results of all the albums, I'd say Colony got the best out of Anders' cleans. Just my opinion of course, I just think they did a good job on Colony of disguising Anders' weak cleans.

I didn't mind too much different in Colony and Clayman's vocals, but:

Some of clayman's clean vocals are realy unnessecary, take Bullet ride and Square nothing for example: what the FUCK was Anders suppose to try with his clean vocals? i like his clean vocals on Pinball map and Only for the weak though (you don't need to sing beautiful to be catchy, right? :cool:)
I thought Square Nothing's vocals were OK. Bullet Ride's could have been better. Clayman as an album replaces singing with mumbling and just talking, good thing it fits with the music really.
I thought Square Nothing's vocals were OK. Bullet Ride's could have been better. Clayman as an album replaces singing with mumbling and just talking, good thing it fits with the music really.

''Only for the weak'' especially, has pretty catchy clean vocals, but also due to the catchy lyrics ofcourse, back when Anders didn't realy tried to sing, but actually did better then these days imo.
IMO Transparent is a quite good song, the reason it sucks is because of the HORRIBLE production of the song on R2R, the vocal effects especially.
Check Transparent out live, or see Schehf's cover of it on youtube if you don't believe me :)